Space for a Company Logo!
This entry is currently a standard company entry. However, with a premium profile the presentation would be a lot different and adjustable, e.g. this would be replaced by the company logo.
Recent Reports & Case Studies
Structures & Projects
Participation in the following structures and projects:
- 55 Baker Street (2008)
- Admirant Eindhoven (2010)
- Albstadt-Ebingen Footbridge (2015)
- Alnatura Arbeitswelt (2019)
- ARC - River Culture Pavilion (2012)
- Baakenhafen Mitte Footbridge (2017)
- Bahnhofsbrücke Opladen (2015)
- Berlin State Opera House (1743)
- Birkelspitze Footbridge (2019)
- Bory Mall (2014)
- Campusbrücke Opladen (2013)
- Carioca Wave
- Centre des Sports Belair (2010)
- Den Haag CS Erasmuslijn Station (2016)
- Dubai International Airport Terminal 3
- E.ON Piazza Extension (2008)
- Elements (2025)
- Ernsting's Family Parking Garage (2006)
- Expo Axis (Expo 2010) (2009)
- Friedberg Overpass (2008)
- Fuß- und Radwegsteg Margaretengürtel (2012)
- Glassell School of Art (2018)
- Haba Group Headquarters (2005)
- Haus des Berliner Verlages (1973)
- Hochhaus am Europaplatz (2024)
- Hochhaus am Europaplatz (2023)
- Jübergturm Hemer (2010)
- Kigali Convention Center (2011)
- Lazika Pier Sculpture (2012)
- Markt Mainz Office and Apartment Building (2008)
- Max-Planck-Institut Seewiesen (2006)
- MyZeil
- National Veterans Memorial and Museum (2018)
- Neu-Ulm Station (2007)
- One Ocean Thematic Pavilion (Expo 2012) (2012)
- Peek & Cloppenburg Weltstadthaus (2005)
- Pressecafé am Alexanderplatz (1973)
- Schwerin-Neumühle Bridge (2003)
- Sean Collier Memorial (2015)
- Shenzhen Bao'an International Airport Terminal 3 (2013)
- Smart Material Houses - Soft House (2013)
- Sommerrainschule Extension (2004)
- Terrence Donnelly Centre for Cellular and Biomolecular Research (2005)
- United Nations Conference Center (UNCC) (2008)
- Westfalenpark Sun Sail (1969)
- whitecity roofs (2007)
- Wishing Star Lake Bridge (East)
- Wishing Star Lake Bridge (West)
Space for a Company Logo!
This entry is currently a standard company entry. However, with a premium profile the presentation would be a lot different and adjustable, e.g. this would be replaced by the company logo.
Contact Information

Relevant Persons
- About this
data sheet - Firm-ID
1007184 - Published on:
14/11/2005 - Last updated on: