Bridges and Viaducts
A bridge or a viaduct is a structure built to span a physical obstacle such as a body of water, valley, or road, for the purpose of providing passage over that very obstacle.
Most Important Structures in this Category
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# | Name | Country | main span |
1 | 1915 Çanakkale Bridge | Turkey | 2023 m |
2 | Akashi Kaikyo Bridge | Japan | 1990.8000 m |
3 | Nanjing Xianxin Road Yangtze River Bridge | China | 1760 m |
4 | Yangsigang Bridge | China | 1700 m |
5 | Nansha Bridge (East) | China | 1688 m |
6 | Lingdingyang Bridge | China | 1666 m |
7 | Xihoumen Bridge | China | 1650 m |
8 | Great Belt East Bridge | Denmark | 1624 m |
9 | Osman Gazi Bridge | Turkey | 1550 m |
10 | Yi Sun-Sin Bridge | South Korea | 1545 m |
Note: there are too many entries in this category and all its subcategories combined. To obtain a list of structures please go through one of the subcategories.

- 3D-Printed Bridges
- Balanced cantilever method
- Balanced lift method
- Cantilever construction using temporary cable-stays
- Cantilever construction using temporary stays in vertical position, then rotation into horizontal
- Composite prefabricated girders with in-situ deck slab
- Floating
- In-situ casting on falsework
- Incremental launching
- Lateral / transverse launching
- Longitudinal launching
- Movable Scaffolding Systems
- Placement by crane
- Placement by floating crane
- Placement by helicopter
- Precast concrete elements with in-situ joints
- Precast girders with cast-in-situ slab
- Precast segmental construction
- Rotation around a horizontal axis
- Rotation around a vertical axis
- Suspension bridge deck erection methods
- Suspension cable erection methods
- 100 Jahre Dauerhaftigkeit für Brücken- und Tunnelbauwerke. Presented at: 28. Dresdener Brückenbausysmposium, Dresden (Deutschland), 12.-13. März 2018, pp. 157-168. (2018):
- 27. Dresdner Brückenbausymposium. Planung, Bauausführung, Instandsetzung und Ertüchtigung von Brücken (13./14. März 2017). ISBN 978-3-86780-510-0, pp. 208. (2017):
- 28. Dresdner Brückenbausymposium. Planung, Bauausführung, Instandsetzung und Ertüchtigung von Brücken (12./13. März 2018). Institut für Massivbau, Technische Universität Dresden, Dresden (Germany), ISBN 978-3-86780-544-5, pp. 231. (2018):
- Advances in Bridge Construction. In: Civil Engineering Magazine, v. 3, n. 8 (August 1933), pp. 428-32. (1933):
- Aesthetics of Bridge Design. In: PCI Journal, v. 13, n. 1 (February 1968), pp. 14-31. (1968):