Towers and Masts: Case Studies
- Structures
- Towers and Masts
Case Studies & Reports
The following reports and case studies on "Towers and Masts" are available:

Flying the flag for decades to come
Azerbaijan has hoisted the world’s largest flag on one of its tallest flagpoles. Located on the shores of the Caspian Sea, it is exposed to extreme ... more

Walting Wind Park: Citizen Wind Project for renewable energy
Recently, the Walting Wind Park was built in Eichstaett near Ingolstadt, Germany. The residents in this area can take shares in this special Citize ... more

Ventikas I & II – One of the highest capacity wind parks in Mexico
In April 2014, Acciona Energy was awarded a new wind farm project known as Ventikas I & II. The wind park is one of the highest capacity wind farms ... more

69 new towers for the Itarema Wind Park, Brazil
The Itarema Complex in the federal state of Ceará in northeastern Brazil consists of several wind parks. In total, 69 new wind towers consisting of ... more

New reactors for Plant Vogtle in Waynesboro, USA
In February 2012, Plant Vogtle in Waynesboro, Georgia, was approved for the construction of two new nuclear reactor blocks: Units 3 and 4. This is ... more

Dubai Frame – the world's largest "picture frame"
An exceptional, walk-in work-of-art structure has been created in the capital of the Dubai emirate: The Dubai Frame is a huge frame situated in the ... more

Signature Tower will be Kuala Lumpur's new landmark
The twin skyscrapers Petronas Towers are among the most famous high-rise buildings in Kuala Lumpur. The Signature Tower will be a new architectural ... more

Renewable energy in Brazil: the new Aracati Wind Park
The State of Ceará has one of the largest installed capacities of wind energy in Brazil, and its conditions are ideal for generating energy thanks ... more

Atlântica Wind Park – Brazil’s tallest wind towers
Near the town of Palmares do Sul in the southern part of the federal state of Rio Grande do Sul, CPFL Renováveis recently built a wind park. CPFL R ... more

Gouda Wind Park in South Africa includes 46 wind towers
The Gouda Wind Park is located north of the town Gouda and 35 km north-east of the town of Malmesbury on the Western Cape in South Africa. The proj ... more