Reinforced concrete structures: Case Studies
- Structures
- Buildings
- Buildings by construction material
- Concrete structures
- Reinforced concrete structures
Case Studies & Reports
The following reports and case studies on "Reinforced concrete structures" are available:

Twisted highrise architecture from Zaha Hadid
The 170 m high office tower in Milan elegantly winds its way upwards and bears the signature of Zaha Hadid. Through the interplay of perfectly coor ... more

Building a residential complex with heatable formwork
Around 30 km to the north of Helsinki, the so-called Domino Complex is currently being realized – for the construction company, this has meant main ... more

"Viertel Zwei – Rondo" residential complex, Vienna, Austria
Seven extravagantly shaped residential towers are currently being constructed adjacent to the famous Prater amusement park in Vienna. Perfectly mat ... more

Administration building on delicate inclined supports
In Malaysia, the architecture of the elevated building has a very long tradition – it has usually been employed to keep out wild animals or prevent ... more

800 t modular scaffolding for a new building at Leuphana University Lüneburg
The spatial demands on the campus of Leuphana University Lüneburg have increased considerably in recent years. The campus should offer all students ... more

3D moulding formwork for Sibelius Academy in Helsinki
The Sibelius Academy has created more space for students in the Finnish capital of Helsinki. An additional building at the Academy of Music will so ... more

Torre Isozaki – one of Italy's tallest buildings
The redevelopment of the historic Fiera Campionaria district created an entirely new appearance for the former premises of the Milan Trade Fair. It ... more

Forming the new landmark South Beach in Singapore
Singapore is to add another landmark: South Beach combines historic structures with modern, environmentally sustainable highrise architecture. City ... more

Complex mausoleum architecture achieved with system formwork
In Poland, the mausoleum commemorating the mass murder of the entire village of Michniów and other Polish villages across the occupied country duri ... more

JKG Tower, Kuala Lumpur: Working faster due to safer conditions
For the construction of the JKG Tower high-rise building complex – consisting of a 32-storey office tower along with a 13-storey parking facility – ... more