Hydraulic dampers
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The new intercity line Toluca–Mexico City is scheduled to become operational early in 2021. It has a length of 57.7 km. The daily passenger estimate i... [more]

Bucharest is about to get a “huge butterfly”: two slim office towers, the floor plan of which resembles a butterfly. The wing tips are designed as an ... [more]

A combination of large hydraulic dampers, sliding isolation pendulums and shear keys protects the new railroad bridge SG26 in Greece against seismic-i... [more]

The Great Mosque of Algiers (Djamaâ El Djazïr) will be the third biggest in the world and has to last for at least 500 years – at least theoretically.... [more]

Under normal circumstances, Hydraulic Shock Absorbers allow free movements of the bridge structure. Under shock impact, e.g. due to earthquakes, high ... [more]