Early Christian Architecture: Literature
Stevens, Susan T. / Kalinowski, Angela V. / vanderLeest, Hans (1998): The Early Christian pilgrimage complex at Bir Ftouha, Carthage: interim report. In: Journal of Roman Archeology, v. 11 ( 1998), pp. 371-383.
Ward-Perkins, J. B. (1966): Imperial Mausolea and Their Possible Influence on Early Christian Central-Plan Buildings. In: Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, v. 25, n. 4 (December 1966), pp. 297-299.
Šimunić Buršić, Marina (2018): Knowledge transfer in the early medieval art of vaulting in Dalmatia. Presented at: 6th International Congress on Construction History (6ICCH 2018), July 9-13, 2018, Brussels, Belgium, pp. 1219-1227.
Fixot, Michel / Pelletier, Jean-Pierre (2004): Saint-Victor de Marseille. De la basilique paléochrétienne à l'abbatiale médiévale. Images En Manoeuvres Editions, Marseille (France), pp. 116.