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Carolingian architecture: Literature

The following provides a list of all the publications catalogued in Structurae that are relevant to this structure type.

  1. Conant, Kenneth John (1993): Carolingian and Romanesque Architecture 800-1200. 4th edition, Yale University Press, New Haven (USA).
  2. Constable, Gilles (2002): Cluny avant Cluny: le legs carolingien. In: Dossiers d'Archéologie, n. 269 (December - January 2002), pp. 2-5.
  3. Barelli, Lia (2012): Construction Methods in Carolingian Rome [Eighth-Ninth Centuries]. Presented at: Fourth International Congress on Construction History, Paris, 3-7 July 2012, pp. 135-144.
  4. Maintz, H. (2005): Dom zu Aachen - Sanierung des 1200 Jahre alten karolingischen Mauerwerks / Cathedral of Aachen - Restoration of the 1200 Years Old Carolingian Masonry. In: Restoration of Buildings and Monuments, v. 11, n. 5 (October 2005), pp. 325-356.


  5. Zeilinger, Roswitha (1978): Eginhard et la sculpture carolingienne. Les découvertes de Seligenstadt. In: Dossiers d'Archéologie, n. 30 (September - October 1978), pp. 104-112.