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  • International Database and Gallery of Structures


The following bibliography contains all publications indexed in this database that are linked with this name as either author, editor or any other kind of contributor.

  1. López, J. I. / Jara, J. M. / Varum, H. / Olmos, B. A. (2024): Statistical analysis and ground motion effects on corner buildings with infill walls collapsed during the September 19, 2017 earthquake in Mexico. In: Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, v. 23, n. 2 (November 2024).


  2. Lolla, Srilakshmi / Oinam, Romanbabu M. / Furtado, A. / Varum, H.: Tensile strength and flexural behavior of steel fiber‐reinforced concrete beams. In: Structural Concrete.


  3. Santos, J. / Nunes, C. / Fernandes, C. / Varum, H. (2007): Common pathologies in RC bridge structures: a statistical analysis. In: Electronic Journal of Structural Engineering, v. 7 (June 2007).


  4. Pohoryles, D. A. / Minas, S. / Melo, J. / Bournas, D. A. / Varum, H. / Rossetto, T. (2023): A Novel FRP Retrofit Solution for Improved Local and Global Seismic Performance of RC Buildings: Development of Fragility Curves and Comparative Cost-Benefit Analyses. In: Journal of Earthquake Engineering, v. 28, n. 7 (November 2023).


  5. Furtado, A. / Rodrigues, H. / Rodrigues, M. F. / Arêde, A. / Varum, H. (2023): A novel holistic approach for the seismic-energy performance assessment of masonry infill walls. In: Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, v. 173 (October 2023).


  6. Hampshire Santos, S. / Giarlelis, C. / Jara, J. / Lampropoulos, A. / Lo Presti, D. / Montens, S. / Sutcu, F. / Takeuchi, T. / Traikova, M. / Varum, H. / White, J. / Zmigrodzki, S. / Pinto, J. / Arai, A. (2020): Comparative Study of International Major Codes for the Seismic Design of Buildings. Presented at: IABSE Symposium: Synergy of Culture and Civil Engineering – History and Challenges, Wrocław, Poland, 7-9 October 2020.


  7. Melo, J. / Afshan, S. / Rossetto, T. / Varum, H. / Arêde, A. (2022): Experimental and numerical investigation of the cyclic response of stainless steel reinforced concrete columns. In: Engineering Structures, v. 252 (February 2022).


  8. Dell'Acqua, A. C. / Franzoni, E. / Sandrolini, F. / Varum, H. (2009): Werkstoffe und Technologien der Jugendstil Architektur in Italien und Portugal: Ein erster Schritt auf einem europäischen Weg hin zu einer konsistenten Restaurierung / Materials and Techniques of Art Nouveau Architecture in Italy and Portugal: a First Insight for a European Route to Consistent Restoration. In: Restoration of Buildings and Monuments, v. 15, n. 2 (April 2009).


  9. de-Carvalho, R. / Teixeira-Dias, F. / Varum, H. (2013): Cyclic behaviour of a lightweight mortar with cork granulate composite. In: Composite Structures, v. 95 (January 2013).


  10. Fathizadeh, S. F. / Dehghani, S. / Yang, T. Y. / Farsangi, E. Noroozinejad / Vosoughi, A. R. / Hajirasouliha, I. / Takewaki, I. / Málaga-Chuquitaype, C. / Varum, H. (2020): Trade-off Pareto optimum design of an innovative curved damper truss moment frame considering structural and non-structural objectives. In: Structures, v. 28 (December 2020).


  11. Rodrigues, H. / Sousa, R. / Vitorino, H. / Batalha, N. / Varum, H. / Fernandes, P. (2020): Characterisation of Portuguese RC Precast Industrial Building Stock. In: Advances in Civil Engineering, v. 2020 (January 2020).


  12. Brandão, F. / Mesquita, E. / Diógenes, A. / Antunes, P. / Varum, H. (2018): Dynamic characterization of a heritage construction from 19th century. In: Revista IBRACON de Estruturas e Materiais, v. 11, n. 1 (February 2018).


  13. Mesquita, E. / Antunes, P. / Henriques, A. A. / Arêde, A. / André, P. S. / Varum, H. (2016): Structural reliability assessment based on optical monitoring system: case study. In: Revista IBRACON de Estruturas e Materiais, v. 9, n. 2 (April 2016).


  14. Fernandes, C. / Melo, J. / Varum, H. / Costa, A. (2011): Análise comparativa do comportamento cíclico de nós viga-pilar com armadura lisa e nervurada. In: Revista IBRACON de Estruturas e Materiais, v. 4, n. 1 (March 2011).


  15. Briseghella, B. / Colasanti, V. / Fenu, L. / Nuti, C. / Spacone, E. / Varum, H. (2020): Seismic Analysis by Macroelements of Fujian Hakka Tulous, Chinese Circular Earth Constructions Listed in the UNESCO World Heritage List. In: International Journal of Architectural Heritage, v. 14, n. 10 ( 2020).


  16. Varum, H. / Figueiredo, A. / Silveira, D. / Martins, T. / Costa, A. (2011): Investigaciones realizadas en la Universidad de Aveiro sobre caracterización mecánica de las construcciones existentes en adobe en Portugal y propuestas de rehabilitación y refuerzo. Resultados alcanzados. In: Informes de la Construcción, v. 63, n. 523 (July 2011).


  17. Sandrolini, F. / Franzoni, E. / Varum, H. / Nakonieczny, R. (2011): Materiales y tecnologías en la Arquitectura Modernista: Casos de Estudio de decoración de fachadas en Italia, Portugal y Polonia persiguiendo una restauración racional. In: Informes de la Construcción, v. 63, n. 524 (December 2011).


  18. Figueiredo, A. / Varum, H. / Costa, A. / Silveira, D. / Oliveira, C. (2013): Seismic retrofitting solution of an adobe masonry wall. In: Materials and Structures, v. 46, n. 1-2 (January 2013).


  19. Silva, V. / Crowley, H. / Varum, H. / Pinho, R. / Sousa, R. (2014): Evaluation of analytical methodologies used to derive vulnerability functions. In: Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, v. 43, n. 2 (January 2014).


  20. Vicente, R. / Ferreira, T. M. / Mendes da Silva, J. A. R. / Varum, H. (2015): In Situ Flat-Jack Testing of Traditional Masonry Walls: Case Study of the Old City Center of Coimbra, Portugal. In: International Journal of Architectural Heritage, v. 9, n. 7 (November 2015).


  21. Chaulagain, H. / Rodrigues, H. / Jara, J. / Spacone, E. / Varum, H. (2013): Seismic response of current RC buildings in Nepal: A comparative analysis of different design/construction. In: Engineering Structures, v. 49 (April 2013).


  22. Varum, H. / Pinto, A. / Costa, A. / Vila Real, P. (2012): Simplified models for assessment and optimal redesign of irregular planar frames. In: Engineering Structures, v. 42 (September 2012).


  23. Silva, V. / Crowley, H. / Pinho, R. / Varum, H. (2013): Extending displacement-based earthquake loss assessment (DBELA) for the computation of fragility curves. In: Engineering Structures, v. 56 (November 2013).


  24. Rodrigues, H. / Romão, X. / Andrade-Campos, A. / Varum, H. / Arêde, A. / Costa, A. G. (2012): Simplified hysteretic model for the representation of the biaxial bending response of RC columns. In: Engineering Structures, v. 44 (November 2012).


  25. Asteris, P. G. / Chronopoulos, M. P. / Chrysostomou, C. Z. / Varum, H. / Plevris, V. / Kyriakides, N. / Silva, V. (2014): Seismic vulnerability assessment of historical masonry structural systems. In: Engineering Structures, v. -1 (March 2014).


  26. Novo, T. / Varum, H. / Teixeira-Dias, F. / Rodrigues, H. / Silva, M. Falcao / Campos Costa, A. / Guerreiro, L. (2013): Tuned liquid dampers simulation for earthquake response control of buildings. In: Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, v. 12, n. 2 (November 2013).


  27. Varum, H. / Teixeira-Dias, F. / Marques, P. / Pinto, A. V. / Bhatti, A. Q. (2013): Performance evaluation of retrofitting strategies for non-seismically designed RC buildings using steel braces. In: Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, v. 11, n. 4 (February 2013).


  28. Mosleh, A. / Rodrigues, H. / Varum, H. / Costa, A. / Arêde, A. (2016): Seismic behavior of RC building structures designed according to current codes. In: Structures, v. 7 (August 2016).


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