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  • Base de données et galerie internationale d'ouvrages d'art et du génie civil


La bibliographie suivante contient toutes les publications répertoriées dans la base de données qui sont reliées à ce nom en tant qu'auteur, éditeur ou collaborateur.

  1. López, J. I. / Jara, J. M. / Varum, H. / Olmos, B. A. (2024): Statistical analysis and ground motion effects on corner buildings with infill walls collapsed during the September 19, 2017 earthquake in Mexico. Dans: Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, v. 23, n. 2 (novembre 2024).


  2. Lolla, Srilakshmi / Oinam, Romanbabu M. / Furtado, A. / Varum, H.: Tensile strength and flexural behavior of steel fiber‐reinforced concrete beams. Dans: Structural Concrete.


  3. Santos, J. / Nunes, C. / Fernandes, C. / Varum, H. (2007): Common pathologies in RC bridge structures: a statistical analysis. Dans: Electronic Journal of Structural Engineering, v. 7 (juin 2007).


  4. Pohoryles, D. A. / Minas, S. / Melo, J. / Bournas, D. A. / Varum, H. / Rossetto, T. (2023): A Novel FRP Retrofit Solution for Improved Local and Global Seismic Performance of RC Buildings: Development of Fragility Curves and Comparative Cost-Benefit Analyses. Dans: Journal of Earthquake Engineering, v. 28, n. 7 (novembre 2023).


  5. Furtado, A. / Rodrigues, H. / Rodrigues, M. F. / Arêde, A. / Varum, H. (2023): A novel holistic approach for the seismic-energy performance assessment of masonry infill walls. Dans: Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, v. 173 (octobre 2023).


  6. Hampshire Santos, S. / Giarlelis, C. / Jara, J. / Lampropoulos, A. / Lo Presti, D. / Montens, S. / Sutcu, F. / Takeuchi, T. / Traikova, M. / Varum, H. / White, J. / Zmigrodzki, S. / Pinto, J. / Arai, A. (2020): Comparative Study of International Major Codes for the Seismic Design of Buildings. Présenté pendant: IABSE Symposium: Synergy of Culture and Civil Engineering – History and Challenges, Wrocław, Poland, 7-9 October 2020.


  7. Melo, J. / Afshan, S. / Rossetto, T. / Varum, H. / Arêde, A. (2022): Experimental and numerical investigation of the cyclic response of stainless steel reinforced concrete columns. Dans: Engineering Structures, v. 252 (février 2022).


  8. Dell'Acqua, A. C. / Franzoni, E. / Sandrolini, F. / Varum, H. (2009): Werkstoffe und Technologien der Jugendstil Architektur in Italien und Portugal: Ein erster Schritt auf einem europäischen Weg hin zu einer konsistenten Restaurierung / Materials and Techniques of Art Nouveau Architecture in Italy and Portugal: a First Insight for a European Route to Consistent Restoration. Dans: Restoration of Buildings and Monuments, v. 15, n. 2 (avril 2009).


  9. de-Carvalho, R. / Teixeira-Dias, F. / Varum, H. (2013): Cyclic behaviour of a lightweight mortar with cork granulate composite. Dans: Composite Structures, v. 95 (janvier 2013).


  10. Fathizadeh, S. F. / Dehghani, S. / Yang, T. Y. / Farsangi, E. Noroozinejad / Vosoughi, A. R. / Hajirasouliha, I. / Takewaki, I. / Málaga-Chuquitaype, C. / Varum, H. (2020): Trade-off Pareto optimum design of an innovative curved damper truss moment frame considering structural and non-structural objectives. Dans: Structures, v. 28 (décembre 2020).


  11. Rodrigues, H. / Sousa, R. / Vitorino, H. / Batalha, N. / Varum, H. / Fernandes, P. (2020): Characterisation of Portuguese RC Precast Industrial Building Stock. Dans: Advances in Civil Engineering, v. 2020 (janvier 2020).


  12. Brandão, F. / Mesquita, E. / Diógenes, A. / Antunes, P. / Varum, H. (2018): Dynamic characterization of a heritage construction from 19th century. Dans: Revista IBRACON de Estruturas e Materiais, v. 11, n. 1 (février 2018).


  13. Mesquita, E. / Antunes, P. / Henriques, A. A. / Arêde, A. / André, P. S. / Varum, H. (2016): Structural reliability assessment based on optical monitoring system: case study. Dans: Revista IBRACON de Estruturas e Materiais, v. 9, n. 2 (avril 2016).


  14. Fernandes, C. / Melo, J. / Varum, H. / Costa, A. (2011): Análise comparativa do comportamento cíclico de nós viga-pilar com armadura lisa e nervurada. Dans: Revista IBRACON de Estruturas e Materiais, v. 4, n. 1 (mars 2011).


  15. Briseghella, B. / Colasanti, V. / Fenu, L. / Nuti, C. / Spacone, E. / Varum, H. (2020): Seismic Analysis by Macroelements of Fujian Hakka Tulous, Chinese Circular Earth Constructions Listed in the UNESCO World Heritage List. Dans: International Journal of Architectural Heritage, v. 14, n. 10 ( 2020).


  16. Varum, H. / Figueiredo, A. / Silveira, D. / Martins, T. / Costa, A. (2011): Investigaciones realizadas en la Universidad de Aveiro sobre caracterización mecánica de las construcciones existentes en adobe en Portugal y propuestas de rehabilitación y refuerzo. Resultados alcanzados. Dans: Informes de la Construcción, v. 63, n. 523 (juillet 2011).


  17. Sandrolini, F. / Franzoni, E. / Varum, H. / Nakonieczny, R. (2011): Materiales y tecnologías en la Arquitectura Modernista: Casos de Estudio de decoración de fachadas en Italia, Portugal y Polonia persiguiendo una restauración racional. Dans: Informes de la Construcción, v. 63, n. 524 (décembre 2011).


  18. Figueiredo, A. / Varum, H. / Costa, A. / Silveira, D. / Oliveira, C. (2013): Seismic retrofitting solution of an adobe masonry wall. Dans: Materials and Structures, v. 46, n. 1-2 (janvier 2013).


  19. Silva, V. / Crowley, H. / Varum, H. / Pinho, R. / Sousa, R. (2014): Evaluation of analytical methodologies used to derive vulnerability functions. Dans: Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, v. 43, n. 2 (janvier 2014).


  20. Vicente, R. / Ferreira, T. M. / Mendes da Silva, J. A. R. / Varum, H. (2015): In Situ Flat-Jack Testing of Traditional Masonry Walls: Case Study of the Old City Center of Coimbra, Portugal. Dans: International Journal of Architectural Heritage, v. 9, n. 7 (novembre 2015).


  21. Chaulagain, H. / Rodrigues, H. / Jara, J. / Spacone, E. / Varum, H. (2013): Seismic response of current RC buildings in Nepal: A comparative analysis of different design/construction. Dans: Engineering Structures, v. 49 (avril 2013).


  22. Varum, H. / Pinto, A. / Costa, A. / Vila Real, P. (2012): Simplified models for assessment and optimal redesign of irregular planar frames. Dans: Engineering Structures, v. 42 (septembre 2012).


  23. Silva, V. / Crowley, H. / Pinho, R. / Varum, H. (2013): Extending displacement-based earthquake loss assessment (DBELA) for the computation of fragility curves. Dans: Engineering Structures, v. 56 (novembre 2013).


  24. Rodrigues, H. / Romão, X. / Andrade-Campos, A. / Varum, H. / Arêde, A. / Costa, A. G. (2012): Simplified hysteretic model for the representation of the biaxial bending response of RC columns. Dans: Engineering Structures, v. 44 (novembre 2012).


  25. Asteris, P. G. / Chronopoulos, M. P. / Chrysostomou, C. Z. / Varum, H. / Plevris, V. / Kyriakides, N. / Silva, V. (2014): Seismic vulnerability assessment of historical masonry structural systems. Dans: Engineering Structures, v. -1 (mars 2014).


  26. Novo, T. / Varum, H. / Teixeira-Dias, F. / Rodrigues, H. / Silva, M. Falcao / Campos Costa, A. / Guerreiro, L. (2013): Tuned liquid dampers simulation for earthquake response control of buildings. Dans: Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, v. 12, n. 2 (novembre 2013).


  27. Varum, H. / Teixeira-Dias, F. / Marques, P. / Pinto, A. V. / Bhatti, A. Q. (2013): Performance evaluation of retrofitting strategies for non-seismically designed RC buildings using steel braces. Dans: Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, v. 11, n. 4 (février 2013).


  28. Mosleh, A. / Rodrigues, H. / Varum, H. / Costa, A. / Arêde, A. (2016): Seismic behavior of RC building structures designed according to current codes. Dans: Structures, v. 7 (août 2016).


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