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The following bibliography contains all publications indexed in this database that are linked with this name as either author, editor or any other kind of contributor.

  1. He, Xuhui / Zhao, Yongshuai / Shi, K. / Cai, Chenzhi (2025): A deep learning model for predicting the stochastic responses of vehicle-bridge system based on temporal convolutional network and Gaussian process. In: Engineering Structures, v. 328 (April 2025).


  2. He, Xuhui / Shi, K. / Zhao, Yongshuai: BiLSTM-AM: A deep learning model for indirect identification of track irregularity using in-service vehicle acceleration responses. In: International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics.


  3. Zhao, Y. S. / He, Xuhui / Shi, K. / Cai, C. Z. / Zou, Y. F.: A Hybrid Intelligent Algorithm for Deterministic and Probabilistic Interval Predictions of a High-Speed Railway Wind Warning System. In: International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics.


  4. Shi, K. / Mo, X. Q. / Gao, S. Y. / Yao, H. / Yang, Y. B.: General theory for damped beams with elastic supports subjected to a moving damped sprung mass. In: International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics.


  5. Yang, Y. B. / Mo, X. Q. / Shi, K. / Gao, S. Y. / Tian, S. K. (2024): Bridge frequency identification using multi-contact responses computed from multi-DOF moving vehicle by nodal distribution method and enhanced integration algorithm. In: Computers & Structures, v. 299 (August 2024).


  6. Shi, K. / Mo, X. Q. / Zheng, Z. / Gao, S. Y. / Yao, H. / Liu, N. (2024): Theoretical study on identifying frequencies for beams with general boundary conditions by using a moving test vehicle. In: Structures, v. 64 (June 2024).


  7. Yang, Y. B. / Gao, S. Y. / Shi, K. / Mo, X. Q. / Yuan, P. / Wang, H. Y.: Selection of the Span Length of an Analogic Finite Beam to Simulate the Infinite Beam Resting on Viscoelastic Foundation Under a Harmonic Moving Load. In: International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics.


  8. Xu, Hao / Yang, M. / Yang, Judy P. / Wang, Z. L. / Shi, K. / Yang, Y. B. (2023): Vehicle Scanning Method for Bridges Enhanced by Dual Amplifiers. In: Structural Control and Health Monitoring, v. 2023 (February 2023).


  9. Zheng, Zhi / Shi, K. / Yuan, Pei / Yang, Bo / Geng, Bo / Ma, W. R. (2023): A Butterfly-Like Connection Proposed for Bridge Pier Composite Protective System against Vessel Collision: Experimental and Numerical Analyses. In: International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics, v. 23, n. 14 (March 2023).


  10. Wang, Z. L. / Tan, Z. X. / Yang, D. S. / Xu, H. / Shi, K. / Yang, Y. B. (2023): Internal and External Cancellation Conditions for Free Vibration of Damped Simple Beams Traversed by Successive Moving Loads. In: International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics, v. 23, n. 16-18 (November 2023).


  11. Yang, Y. B. / Wang, Z. L. / Yao, H. / Zhang, B. / Xu, H. / Shi, K. (2023): Weak-End and Frequency Detection of Elastically Supported Bridges by Contact Residual Response of Two-Axle Test Vehicle in a Round Trip. In: Journal of Bridge Engineering (ASCE), v. 28, n. 3 (March 2023).


  12. Xu, H. / Liu, Y. H. / Wang, Z. L. / Shi, K. / Zhang, B. / Yang, Y. B. (2022): General contact response of single-axle two-mass test vehicles for scanning bridge frequencies considering suspension effect. In: Engineering Structures, v. 270 (November 2022).


  13. Yang, Y. B. / Huang, C. C. / Xu, H. / Wang, M. H. / Wang, Z. L. / Shi, K. (2022): Frequency extraction for bridges with rough surface by a moving test vehicle enhanced by a shaker. In: Engineering Structures, v. 266 (September 2022).


  14. Wang, Z. L. / Yang, Judy P. / Shi, K. / Xu, H. / Qiu, F. Q. / Yang, Y. B. (2022): Recent Advances in Researches on Vehicle Scanning Method for Bridges. In: International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics, v. 22, n. 15 (July 2022).


  15. Xu, H. / Huang, C. C. / Wang, Z. L. / Shi, K. / Wu, Y. T. / Yang, Y. B. (2021): Damped test vehicle for scanning bridge frequencies: Theory, simulation and experiment. In: Journal of Sound and Vibration, v. 506 (August 2021).


  16. Yang, Y. B. / Hu, X. S. / Shi, K. / Mo, X. Q. / Zhang, B. / Wang, Z. L. / Xu, H. (2022): Damage detection for constituents of track-bridge systems from driving component of vehicle-rail contact response. In: Engineering Structures, v. 259 (May 2022).


  17. Li, L. / Cao, M. / Li, Z. / Zhang, W. / Shi, D. / Shi, K. (2022): Uniaxial tensile behavior and mechanism characterization of multi-scale fiber-reinforced cementitious materials. In: Materiales de Construccion, v. 72, n. 345 (March 2022).


  18. Yang, Y. B. / Mo, X. Q. / Shi, K. / Wang, Z. L. / Xu, H. / Wu, Y. T. (2021): Contact Residue for Simultaneous Removal of Vehicle’s Frequency and Surface Roughness in Scanning Bridge Frequencies Using Two Connected Vehicles. In: International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics, v. 21, n. 13 (September 2021).


  19. Yang, Y. B. / Shi, K. / Wang, Zhi-Lu / Xu, Hao / Wu, Y. T. (2021): Theoretical study on a dual-beam model for detection of track/bridge frequencies and track modulus by a moving vehicle. In: Engineering Structures, v. 244 (October 2021).


  20. Yang, Y. B. / Shi, K. / Wang, Z. L. / Xu, H. / Zhang, B. / Wu, Y. T. (2021): Using a Single-DOF Test Vehicle to Simultaneously Retrieve the First Few Frequencies and Damping Ratios of the Bridge. In: International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics, v. 21, n. 8 (May 2021).


  21. Yang, Y. B. / Wang, Z. L. / Shi, K. / Xu, H. / Yang, J. P. (2020): Adaptive Amplifier for a Test Vehicle Moving over Bridges: Theoretical Study. In: International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics, v. 21, n. 3 (December 2020).


  22. Yang, Y. B. / Wang, B. Q. / Wang, Z. L. / Shi, K. / Xu, H. / Zhang, B. / Wu, Y. T. (2020): Bridge surface roughness identified from the displacement influence lines of the contact points by two connected vehicles. In: International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics, v. 20, n. 14 (December 2020).


  23. Yang, Y. B. / Wang, Z. L. / Shi, K. / Xu, H. / Mo, X. Q. / Wu, Y. T. (2020): Two-axle test vehicle for damage detection for railway tracks modeled as simply supported beams with elastic foundation. In: Engineering Structures, v. 219 (September 2020).


  24. He, X. H. / Zou, Y. F. / Wang, H. F. / Han, Y. / Shi, K. (2014): Aerodynamic characteristics of a trailing rail vehicles on viaduct based on still wind tunnel experiments. In: Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, v. 135 (December 2014).


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