Cabané, Albert / Pelà, Luca / Roca, Pere (2023): Effect of cross section aspect ratio and bearing surfaces treatment on the compressive strength of solid fired clay brick specimens. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 383 (June 2023).
Ferrero, Chiara / Calderini, Chiara / Roca, Pere (2023): Effect of joint deformability on the experimental and numerical response of dry-joint masonry arches subjected to large support displacements. In: Engineering Structures, v. 275 (January 2023).
Cabané, Albert / Pelà, Luca / Roca, Pere (2022): Anisotropy and compressive strength evaluation of solid fired clay bricks by testing small specimens. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 344 (August 2022).
Endo, Yohei / Roca, Pere (2022): Comparison of Similitude Laws Applied to Multi-Storey Masonry Structures with Flexible Diaphragms. In: Journal of Earthquake Engineering, v. 27, n. 5 (February 2022).
Garcia-Ramonda, Larisa / Pelà, Luca / Roca, Pere / Camata, Guido (2022): Cyclic shear-compression testing of brick masonry walls repaired and retrofitted with basalt textile reinforced mortar. In: Composite Structures, v. 283 (March 2022).
Makoond, Nirvan / Pelà, Luca / Molins, Climent / Roca, Pere / Alarcón, Daniel (2020): Automated data analysis for static structural health monitoring of masonry heritage structures. In: Structural Control and Health Monitoring, v. 27, n. 10 (2 September 2020).
Pelà, Luca / Saloustros, Savvas / Roca, Pere (2019): Cylindrical samples of brick masonry with aerial lime mortar under compression: Experimental and numerical study. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 227 (December 2019).
Saloustros, Savvas / Pelà, Luca / Contrafatto, Francesca R. / Roca, Pere / Petromichelakis, Ioannis (2019): Analytical Derivation of Seismic Fragility Curves for Historical Masonry Structures Based on Stochastic Analysis of Uncertain Material Parameters. In: International Journal of Architectural Heritage, v. 13, n. 7 ( 2019).
Elyamani, Ahmed / Caselles, Oriol / Roca, Pere / Clapes, Jaime (2017): Dynamic investigation of a large historical cathedral. In: Structural Control and Health Monitoring, v. 24, n. 3 (March 2017).
Sandoval, Cristián / Roca, Pere (2013): Empirical equations for the assessment of the load-bearing capacity of brick masonry walls. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 44 (July 2013).
Bernat-Maso, Ernest / Gil, Lluís / Roca, Pere (2014): Analytical method for the assessment of unreinforced brick masonry walls subjected to eccentric compressive loads. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 73 (December 2014).
Pelà, Luca / Canella, Elisa / Aprile, Alessandra / Roca, Pere (2016): Compression test of masonry core samples extracted from existing brickwork. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 119 (August 2016).
Marastoni, Diego / Pelà, Luca / Benedetti, Andrea / Roca, Pere (2016): Combining Brazilian tests on masonry cores and double punch tests for the mechanical characterization of historical mortars. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 112 (June 2016).
Drougkas, Anastasios / Roca, Pere / Molins, Climent / Alegre, Vicente (2016): Compressive testing of an early 20th century brick masonry pillar. In: Materials and Structures, v. 49, n. 6 (June 2016).
Drougkas, Anastasios / Roca, Pere / Molins, Climent (2016): Compressive strength and elasticity of pure lime mortar masonry. In: Materials and Structures, v. 49, n. 3 (March 2016).
Roca, Pere / Viviescas, Álvaro / Lobato, Miguel / Diaz, Cesar / Serra, Isabel (2011): Capacity of Shear Walls by Simple Equilibrium Models. In: International Journal of Architectural Heritage, v. 5, n. 4-5 (July 2011).
Pelà, Luca / Bourgeois, Julien / Roca, Pere / Cervera, Miguel / Chiumenti, Michele (2016): Analysis of the Effect of Provisional Ties on the Construction and Current Deformation of Mallorca Cathedral. In: International Journal of Architectural Heritage, v. 10, n. 4 (December 2016).
Caselles, Oriol / Martínez, Guillermo / Clapés, Jaume / Roca, Pere / de la Vega Pérez-Gracia, Maria (2015): Application of Particle Motion Technique to Structural Modal Identification of Heritage Buildings. In: International Journal of Architectural Heritage, v. 9, n. 3 (November 2015).
Roca, Pere / Cervera, Miguel / Pelà, Luca / Clemente, Roberto / Chiumenti, Michele (2013): Continuum FE models for the analysis of Mallorca Cathedral. In: Engineering Structures, v. 46 (January 2013).
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Molins, Climent / Roca, Pere (1998): Capacity of Masonry Arches and Spatial Frames. In: Journal of Structural Engineering (ASCE), v. 124, n. 6 (June 1998).
Endo, Yohei / Pelà, Luca / Roca, Pere / Da Porto, Francesca / Modena, Claudio (2015): Comparison of seismic analysis methods applied to a historical church struck by 2009 L'Aquila earthquake. In: Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, v. 13, n. 12 (July 2015).
Siano, Rossella / Sepe, Vincenzo / Camata, Guido / Spacone, Enrico / Roca, Pere / Pelà, Luca (2017): Analysis of the performance in the linear field of Equivalent-Frame Models for regular and irregular masonry walls. In: Engineering Structures, v. 145 (August 2017).
Lourenço, Paulo B. / Oliveira, Daniel V. / Roca, Pere / Orduña, Agustín (2005): Dry Joint Stone Masonry Walls Subjected to In-Plane Combined Loading. In: Journal of Structural Engineering (ASCE), v. 131, n. 11 (November 2005).
Endo, Yohei / Llorens, Miquel S. / Roca, Pere / Pelà, Luca (2017): Dynamic Identification and Static Loading Tests of Timbrel Vaults: Application to a Modernist 20th Century Heritage Structure. In: International Journal of Architectural Heritage, v. 11, n. 4 ( 2017).
Pelà, Luca / Roca, Pere / Aprile, Alessandra (2018): Combined In-Situ and Laboratory Minor Destructive Testing of Historical Mortars. In: International Journal of Architectural Heritage, v. 12, n. 3 (July 2018).
Roca, Pere (2006): Assessment of masonry shear-walls by simple equilibrium models. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 20, n. 4 (May 2006).
Molins, Climent / Roca, Pere (1998): Análisis resistente de construcciones de obra de fábrica. Aplicación a puentes arco. In: Hormigón y acero, v. 49, n. 209 (3rd Quarter 1998).
Roca, Pere / Molins, Climent / Carol, Ignacio (2000): Análisis de edificios de muros de carga de mampostería ante acciones horizontales. In: Hormigón y acero, v. 51, n. 215 (1st Quarter 2000).