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The following bibliography contains all publications indexed in this database that are linked with this name as either author, editor or any other kind of contributor.

  1. Barrera, Natalia / Ruiz, Daniel M. / Reyes, Juan C. / Alvarado, Yezid A. / Carrasco-Beltrán, Daniela (2023): Seismic Performance of a 1:4 Scale Two-Story Rammed Earth Model Reinforced with Steel Plates Tested on a Bi-Axial Shaking Table. In: Buildings, v. 13, n. 12 (22 November 2023).


  2. Ruiz, Daniel M. / Barrera, Natalia / Reyes, Juan C. / Alvarado, Yezid A. / Villalba-Morales, Jesús D. / Gómez, Iván D. / Vacca, Hermes A. / Carrasco-Beltrán, Daniela (2023): Bi-axial shaking table tests to evaluate the seismic performance of two-story rammed-earth walls retrofitted with steel plates. In: Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, v. 21, n. 14 (October 2023).


  3. Reyes, Juan C. / Acosta, Juan E. / Kwong, N. Simon (2023): Comprehensive evaluation of target spectra for selecting bidirectional ground motions in nonlinear response history analysis of frame buildings at far‐field sites. In: Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, v. 52, n. 12 (June 2023).


  4. Cárdenas-Pulido, Jhon / Carrillo, Julian / Reyes, Juan C. / Ramirez, Fernando (2023): Backbone model for predicting the shear behavior of geopolymer panels under diagonal tension tests. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 399 (October 2023).


  5. Cárdenas-Pulido, Jhon / Ramirez, Fernando / Velandia, Diego F. / Reyes, Juan C. / Carrillo, Julian / Aperador, Willian (2023): Engineering behavior of ambient-cured geopolymer concrete activated by an alternative silicate from rice husk ash. In: European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering, v. 27, n. 15 (March 2023).


  6. Ruiz, Daniel M. / Reyes, Juan C. / Bran, Cristian / Restrepo, Manuela / Alvarado, Yezid A. / Barrera, Natalia / Laverde, Camila / Suesca, Daniel (2022): Flexural behavior of rammed earth components reinforced with steel plates based on experimental, numerical, and analytical modeling. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 320 (February 2022).


  7. Rincon, Raul / Reyes, Juan C. / Carrillo, Julian / Clavijo‐Tocasuchyl, Alejandra (2022): Empirical fragility assessment of adobe and rammed earth walls subjected to seismic actions. In: Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, v. 51, n. 5 (25 April 2022).


  8. Correal, Juan F. / Carrillo, Julian / Reyes, Juan C. / Renjifo, Andrés E. / Herrán, Camilo A. (2022): Cyclic tests of full-scale fiber-reinforced concrete (FRC) walls with steel and hybrid fibers for low-rise buildings. In: Engineering Structures, v. 256 (April 2022).


  9. Reyes, Juan C. / Avila, William A. / Kalkan, Erol / Sierra, Armando (2021): Reducing Processing Time of Nonlinear Analysis of Symmetric-Plan Buildings. In: Journal of Structural Engineering (ASCE), v. 147, n. 6 (June 2021).


  10. Reyes, Juan C. / Smith-Pardo, J. Paul / Yamin, Luis E. / Galvis, Francisco A. / Angel, Christiam C. / Sandoval, Juan D. / Gonzalez, Cristian D. (2019): Seismic experimental assessment of steel and synthetic meshes for retrofitting heritage earthen structures. In: Engineering Structures, v. 198 (November 2019).


  11. Riaño, Andrea C. / Reyes, Juan C. / Yamin, Luis E. / Bielak, Jacobo / Taborda, Ricardo / Restrepo, Doriam (2021): Integration of 3D large‐scale earthquake simulations into the assessment of the seismic risk of Bogota, Colombia. In: Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, v. 50, n. 1 (January 2021).


  12. Reyes, Juan C. / Kalkan, Erol (2012): How Many Records Should be used in an ASCE/SEI-7 Ground Motion Scaling Procedure?. In: Earthquake Spectra, v. 28, n. 3 (August 2012).


  13. Correal, Juan F. / Hidalgo, Victor / Reyes, Juan C. / Angel, Christiam C. (2020): A comparative study of seismic diaphragm design forces for RC dual system buildings. In: Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, v. 18, n. 9 (May 2020).


  14. Reyes, Juan C. / Herrera, Marco T. / Smith-Pardo, J. Paul / Córdoba, Laura S. (2020): Effective live load mass for storage buildings on friction-pendulum isolators. In: Engineering Structures, v. 218 (September 2020).


  15. Reyes, Juan C. / Correal, Juan F. / Gonzalez-Mancera, Andres / Echeverry, Juan S. / Gómez, Iván D. / Sandoval, Juan D. / Angel, Christiam C. (2020): Experimental evaluation of permeable cable-supported façades subjected to wind and earthquake loads. In: Engineering Structures, v. 214 (July 2020).


  16. Hassan, Wael M. / Reyes, Juan C. (2020): Assessment of modal pushover analysis for mid-rise concrete buildings with and without viscous dampers. In: Journal of Building Engineering, v. 29 (May 2020).


  17. Yamin, Luis E. / Reyes, Juan C. / Rueda, Rodrigo / Prada, Esteban / Rincon, Raul / Herrera, Carolina / Daza, Julian / Riaño, Andrea C. (2018): Practical seismic microzonation in complex geological environments. In: Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, v. 114 (November 2018).


  18. Reyes, Juan C. / Galvis, Francisco A. / Yamin, Luis E. / Gonzalez, Cristian / Sandoval, Juan D. / Heresi, Pablo (2019): Out‐of‐plane shaking table tests of full‐scale historic adobe corner walls retrofitted with timber elements. In: Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, v. 48, n. 8 (10 July 2019).


  19. Reyes, Juan C. / Smith-Pardo, J. Paul / Yamin, Luis E. / Galvis, Francisco A. / Sandoval, Juan D. / Gonzalez, Cristian D. / Correal, Juan F. (2019): In-plane seismic behavior of full-scale earthen walls with openings retrofitted with timber elements and vertical tensors. In: Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, v. 17, n. 7 (May 2019).


  20. Menun, Charles / Reyes, Juan C. / Chopra, Anil K. (2015): Errors caused by peak factor assumptions in response-spectrum-based analyses. In: Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, v. 44, n. 11 (September 2015).


  21. Reyes, Juan C. / Quintero, Oscar A. (2014): Modal pushover-based scaling of earthquake records for nonlinear analysis of single-story unsymmetric-plan buildings. In: Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, v. 43, n. 7 (May 2014).


  22. Reyes, Juan C. / Chopra, Anil K. (2011): Evaluation of three-dimensional modal pushover analysis for unsymmetric-plan buildings subjected to two components of ground motion. In: Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, v. 40, n. 13 (25 October 2011).


  23. Reyes, Juan C. / Ardila-Bothia, Luis / Smith-Pardo, J. Paul / Villamizar-Gonzalez, J. Nicolás / Ardila-Giraldo, Oscar A. (2016): Evaluation of the effect of containers on the seismic response of pile-supported storage structures. In: Engineering Structures, v. 122 (September 2016).


  24. Reyes, Juan C. / Riaño, Andrea C. / Kalkan, Erol / Arango, Carlos M. (2015): Extending modal pushover-based scaling procedure for nonlinear response history analysis of multi-story unsymmetric-plan buildings. In: Engineering Structures, v. 88 (April 2015).


  25. Smith-Pardo, J. Paul / Reyes, Juan C. / Ardila-Bothia, Luis / Villamizar-Gonzalez, J. Nicolás / Ardila-Giraldo, Oscar A. (2015): Effect of live load on the seismic design of single-story storage structures under unidirectional horizontal ground motions. In: Engineering Structures, v. 93 (June 2015).


  26. Yamin, Luis E. / Hurtado, Alvaro / Rincon, Raul / Dorado, Juan F. / Reyes, Juan C. (2017): Probabilistic seismic vulnerability assessment of buildings in terms of economic losses. In: Engineering Structures, v. 138 (May 2017).


  27. Reyes, Juan C. / Riaño, Andrea C. / Kalkan, Erol / Quintero, Oscar A. / Arango, Carlos M. (2014): Assessment of spectrum matching procedure for nonlinear analysis of symmetric- and asymmetric-plan buildings. In: Engineering Structures, v. 72 (August 2014).


  28. Reyes, Juan C. / Yamin, Luis E. / Gonzalez, Cristian D. / Sandoval, Juan David (2017): 21.06: Seismic retrofit of historical earthen buildings using steel. In: ce/papers, v. 1, n. 2-3 (September 2017).


  29. Reyes, Juan C. / Marcillo-Delgado, Esteban / Smith-Pardo, J. Paul / Ardila-Giraldo, Oscar A. (2018): Assessment of the Effective Seismic Mass for Low-Rise Framed Shear Buildings Supporting Nearly Permanent Live Loads. In: Journal of Structural Engineering (ASCE), v. 144, n. 8 (August 2018).


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