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Cuadros-Rojas, Emerson / Garcia-Ramonda, Larisa / Roca, Pere / Pelà, Luca (2024): Out-of-plane bending behaviour of masonry walls with high-strength steel cord mesh bed joint reinforcement. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 457 (December 2024).
Pelà, Luca / Roca, Pere / Benedetti, Andrea (2016): Mechanical Characterization of Historical Masonry by Core Drilling and Testing of Cylindrical Samples. In: International Journal of Architectural Heritage, v. 10, n. 2-3 (January 2016).
Cabané, Albert / Pelà, Luca / Roca, Pere (2023): Influence of specimen slenderness and stacking on the experimental strength of solid fired clay bricks. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 404 (November 2023).
Cabané, Albert / Pelà, Luca / Roca, Pere (2024): Laboratory and in-situ mechanical characterisation of masonry components by comparing destructive and minor destructive testing techniques. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 411 (January 2024).
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Makoond, Nirvan / Pelà, Luca / Molins, Climent (2022): Robust estimation of axial loads sustained by tie-rods in historical structures using Artificial Neural Networks. In: Structural Health Monitoring, v. 22, n. 4 (December 2022).
Dimovska, Sara / Saloustros, Savvas / Pelà, Luca / Roca, Pere (2022): Modelling of in-plane seismic behaviour of one-way steel or timber jack arch floors in existing buildings. Application to the Eixample district of Barcelona. In: Engineering Structures, v. 262 (July 2022).
Makoond, Nirvan / Pelà, Luca / Molins, Climent (2021): A Risk Index for the Structural Diagnosis of Masonry Heritage (RISDiMaH). In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 284 (May 2021).
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Camata, Guido / Marano, Corrado / Sepe, Vincenzo / Spacone, Enrico / Siano, Rossella / Petracca, Massimo / Roca, Pere / Pelà, Luca (2022): Validation of non-linear equivalent-frame models for irregular masonry walls. In: Engineering Structures, v. 253 (February 2022).
Jiménez, Belén / Saloustros, Savvas / Pelà, Luca (2021): Seismic vulnerability index method for hybrid timber–masonry structures. Numerical calibration and application to the city of Valparaíso, Chile. In: Journal of Building Engineering, v. 44 (December 2021).
Kalkbrenner, Philip / Pelà, Luca / Sandoval, Cristián (2019): Multi directional pushover analysis of irregular masonry buildings without box behavior. In: Engineering Structures, v. 201 (December 2019).
Makoond, Nirvan / Cabané, Albert / Pelà, Luca / Molins, Climent (2020): Relationship between the static and dynamic elastic modulus of brick masonry constituents. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 259 (October 2020).
Saloustros, Savvas / Pelà, Luca / Roca, Pere (2020): Nonlinear Numerical Modeling of Complex Masonry Heritage Structures Considering History-Related Phenomena in Staged Construction Analysis and Material Uncertainty in Seismic Assessment. In: Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities (ASCE), v. 34, n. 5 (October 2020).
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Petracca, Massimo / Pelà, Luca / Rossi, Riccardo / Zaghi, Stefano / Camata, Guido / Spacone, Enrico (2017): Micro-scale continuous and discrete numerical models for nonlinear analysis of masonry shear walls. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 149 (September 2017).
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Pelà, Luca (2018): New Trends and Challenges in Large-Scale and Urban Assessment of Seismic Risk in Historical Centres. In: International Journal of Architectural Heritage, v. 12, n. 7-8 ( 2018).
Cara, Selma / Aprile, Alessandra / Pelà, Luca / Roca, Pere (2018): Seismic Risk Assessment and Mitigation at Emergency Limit Condition of Historical Buildings along Strategic Urban Roadways. Application to the "Antiga Esquerra de L'Eixample" Neighborhood of Barcelona. In: International Journal of Architectural Heritage, v. 12, n. 7-8 ( 2018).
Siano, Rossella / Roca, Pere / Camata, Guido / Pelà, Luca / Sepe, Vincenzo / Spacone, Enrico / Petracca, Massimo (2018): Numerical investigation of non-linear equivalent-frame models for regular masonry walls. In: Engineering Structures, v. 173 (October 2018).
Segura, Jorge / Pelà, Luca / Roca, Pere (2018): Monotonic and cyclic testing of clay brick and lime mortar masonry in compression. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 193 (December 2018).
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