Khadka, Supriya / Rijal, H. B. / Nicol, Fergus / de Dear, Richard (2025): Empirical determination of the width of the comfort band in an adaptive model for Japanese office buildings. In: Building and Environment, v. 269 (February 2025).
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Nicol, Fergus (2019): Temperature and sleep. In: Energy and Buildings, v. 204 (December 2019).
Nicol, Fergus / Roaf, Susan (1996): Pioneering new indoor temperature standards: the Pakistan project. In: Energy and Buildings, v. 23, n. 3 (March 1996).
Földváry Ličina, Veronika / Cheung, Toby / Zhang, Hui / de Dear, Richard / Parkinson, Thomas / Arens, Edward / Chun, Chungyoon / Schiavon, Stefano / Luo, Maohui / Brager, Gail / Li, Peixian / Kaam, Soazig / Adebamowo, Michael A. / Andamon, Mary Myla / Babich, Francesco / Bouden, Chiheb / Bukovianska, Hana / Candido, Christhina / Cao, Bin / Carlucci, Salvatore / Cheong, David K. W. / Choi, Joon-Ho / Cook, Malcolm / Cropper, Paul / Deuble, Max / Heidari, Shahin / Indraganti, Madhavi / Jin, Quan / Kim, Hyojin / Kim, Jungsoo / Konis, Kyle / Singh, Manoj K. / Kwok, Alison / Lamberts, Roberto / Loveday, Dennis / Langevin, Jared / Manu, Sanyogita / Moosmann, Cornelia / Nicol, Fergus / Ooka, Ryozo / Oseland, Nigel A. / Pagliano, Lorenzo / Petráš, Dušan / Rawal, Rajan / Romero, Ramona / Rijal, Hom Bahadur / Sekhar, Chandra / Schweiker, Marcel / Tartarini, Federico / Tanabe, Shin-ichi / Tham, Kwok Wai / Teli, Despoina / Toftum, Jorn / Toledo, Linda / Tsuzuki, Kazuyo / De Vecchi, Renata / Wagner, Andreas / Wang, Z (2018): Development of the ASHRAE Global Thermal Comfort Database II. In: Building and Environment, v. 142 (September 2018).
Montazami, Azadeh / Gaterell, Mark / Nicol, Fergus / Lumley, Mark / Thoua, Chryssa (2017): Impact of social background and behaviour on children's thermal comfort. In: Building and Environment, v. 122 (September 2017).
Montazami, Azadeh / Gaterell, Mark / Nicol, Fergus / Lumley, Mark / Thoua, Chryssa (2017): Developing an algorithm to illustrate the likelihood of the dissatisfaction rate with relation to the indoor temperature in naturally ventilated classrooms. In: Building and Environment, v. 111 (January 2017).
Montazami, Azadeh / Wilson, Mike / Nicol, Fergus (2012): Aircraft noise, overheating and poor air quality in classrooms in London primary schools. In: Building and Environment, v. 52 (June 2012).
Nicol, Fergus / Humphreys, Michael (2010): Derivation of the adaptive equations for thermal comfort in free-running buildings in European standard EN15251. In: Building and Environment, v. 45, n. 1 (January 2010).
Nicol, Fergus (2017): Temperature and adaptive comfort in heated, cooled and free-running dwellings. In: Building Research & Information, v. 45, n. 7 ( 2017).
Roaf, Sue / Brotas, Luisa / Nicol, Fergus (2015): Counting the costs of comfort. In: Building Research & Information, v. 43, n. 3 ( 2015).
Montazami, Azadeh / Nicol, Fergus (2013): Overheating in schools: comparing existing and new guidelines. In: Building Research & Information, v. 41, n. 3 ( 2013).
Nicol, Fergus / Stevenson, Fionn (2013): Adaptive comfort in an unpredictable world. In: Building Research & Information, v. 41, n. 3 ( 2013).
Nicol, Fergus / Roaf, Susan (2005): Post-occupancy evaluation and field studies of thermal comfort. In: Building Research & Information, v. 33, n. 4 ( 2005).
Roaf, Sue / Nicol, Fergus / de Dear, Richard (2013): The wicked problem of designing for comfort in a rapidly changing world. In: Architectural Science Review, v. 56, n. 1 (February 2013).
Roaf, Sue / Nicol, Fergus / Humphreys, Michael / Tuohy, Paul / Boerstra, Atze (2010): Twentieth century standards for thermal comfort: promoting high energy buildings. In: Architectural Science Review, v. 53, n. 1 (February 2010).
Tuohy, Paul / Roaf, Sue / Nicol, Fergus / Humphreys, Mike / Boerstra, Atze (2010): Twenty first century standards for thermal comfort: fostering low carbon building design and operation. In: Architectural Science Review, v. 53, n. 1 (February 2010).
Brotas, Luisa / Nicol, Fergus (2017): Estimating overheating in European dwellings. In: Architectural Science Review, v. 60, n. 3 (March 2017).
Roaf, Sue / Nicol, Fergus (2017): Running buildings on natural energy: design thinking for a different future. In: Architectural Science Review, v. 60, n. 3 (March 2017).
Roaf, Sue / Nicol, Fergus / Rijal, Hom (2014): Designing for comfort at high temperatures. In: Architectural Science Review, v. 58, n. 1 (November 2014).
Rijal, Hom / Humphreys, Michael / Nicol, Fergus (2015): Adaptive Thermal Comfort in Japanese Houses during the Summer Season: Behavioral Adaptation and the Effect of Humidity. In: Buildings, v. 5, n. 3 (June 2015).