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  • Internationale Datenbank und Galerie für Ingenieurbauwerke


Die folgende Bibliografie enthält alle in dieser Datenbank indizierten Veröffentlichungen, die mit diesem Namen als Autor, Herausgeber oder anderweitig Beitragenden verbunden sind.

  1. Khadka, Supriya / Rijal, H. B. / Nicol, Fergus / de Dear, Richard (2025): Empirical determination of the width of the comfort band in an adaptive model for Japanese office buildings. In: Building and Environment, v. 269 (Februar 2025).


  2. Nicol, Fergus (2004): Adaptive thermal comfort standards in the hot–humid tropics. In: Energy and Buildings, v. 36, n. 7 (Juli 2004).


  3. Nicol, Fergus / Wilson, Mike / Chiancarella, Cecilia (2006): Using field measurements of desktop illuminance in European offices to investigate its dependence on outdoor conditions and its effect on occupant satisfaction, and the use of lights and blinds. In: Energy and Buildings, v. 38, n. 7 (Juli 2006).


  4. Nicol, Fergus (2007): Comfort and energy use in buildings—Getting them right. In: Energy and Buildings, v. 39, n. 7 (Juli 2007).


  5. Nicol, Fergus / Rijal, Hom Bahadur / Imagawa, Hikaru / Thapa, Rita (2020): The range and shape of thermal comfort and resilience. In: Energy and Buildings, v. 224 (Oktober 2020).


  6. Nicol, Fergus (2019): Temperature and sleep. In: Energy and Buildings, v. 204 (Dezember 2019).


  7. Nicol, Fergus / Roaf, Susan (1996): Pioneering new indoor temperature standards: the Pakistan project. In: Energy and Buildings, v. 23, n. 3 (März 1996).


  8. Földváry Ličina, Veronika / Cheung, Toby / Zhang, Hui / de Dear, Richard / Parkinson, Thomas / Arens, Edward / Chun, Chungyoon / Schiavon, Stefano / Luo, Maohui / Brager, Gail / Li, Peixian / Kaam, Soazig / Adebamowo, Michael A. / Andamon, Mary Myla / Babich, Francesco / Bouden, Chiheb / Bukovianska, Hana / Candido, Christhina / Cao, Bin / Carlucci, Salvatore / Cheong, David K. W. / Choi, Joon-Ho / Cook, Malcolm / Cropper, Paul / Deuble, Max / Heidari, Shahin / Indraganti, Madhavi / Jin, Quan / Kim, Hyojin / Kim, Jungsoo / Konis, Kyle / Singh, Manoj K. / Kwok, Alison / Lamberts, Roberto / Loveday, Dennis / Langevin, Jared / Manu, Sanyogita / Moosmann, Cornelia / Nicol, Fergus / Ooka, Ryozo / Oseland, Nigel A. / Pagliano, Lorenzo / Petráš, Dušan / Rawal, Rajan / Romero, Ramona / Rijal, Hom Bahadur / Sekhar, Chandra / Schweiker, Marcel / Tartarini, Federico / Tanabe, Shin-ichi / Tham, Kwok Wai / Teli, Despoina / Toftum, Jorn / Toledo, Linda / Tsuzuki, Kazuyo / De Vecchi, Renata / Wagner, Andreas / Wang, Z (2018): Development of the ASHRAE Global Thermal Comfort Database II. In: Building and Environment, v. 142 (September 2018).


  9. Montazami, Azadeh / Gaterell, Mark / Nicol, Fergus / Lumley, Mark / Thoua, Chryssa (2017): Impact of social background and behaviour on children's thermal comfort. In: Building and Environment, v. 122 (September 2017).


  10. Montazami, Azadeh / Gaterell, Mark / Nicol, Fergus / Lumley, Mark / Thoua, Chryssa (2017): Developing an algorithm to illustrate the likelihood of the dissatisfaction rate with relation to the indoor temperature in naturally ventilated classrooms. In: Building and Environment, v. 111 (Januar 2017).


  11. Montazami, Azadeh / Wilson, Mike / Nicol, Fergus (2012): Aircraft noise, overheating and poor air quality in classrooms in London primary schools. In: Building and Environment, v. 52 (Juni 2012).


  12. Nicol, Fergus / Humphreys, Michael (2010): Derivation of the adaptive equations for thermal comfort in free-running buildings in European standard EN15251. In: Building and Environment, v. 45, n. 1 (Januar 2010).


  13. Nicol, Fergus (2017): Temperature and adaptive comfort in heated, cooled and free-running dwellings. In: Building Research & Information, v. 45, n. 7 ( 2017).


  14. Roaf, Sue / Brotas, Luisa / Nicol, Fergus (2015): Counting the costs of comfort. In: Building Research & Information, v. 43, n. 3 ( 2015).


  15. Montazami, Azadeh / Nicol, Fergus (2013): Overheating in schools: comparing existing and new guidelines. In: Building Research & Information, v. 41, n. 3 ( 2013).


  16. Nicol, Fergus / Stevenson, Fionn (2013): Adaptive comfort in an unpredictable world. In: Building Research & Information, v. 41, n. 3 ( 2013).


  17. Nicol, Fergus / Roaf, Susan (2005): Post-occupancy evaluation and field studies of thermal comfort. In: Building Research & Information, v. 33, n. 4 ( 2005).


  18. Roaf, Sue / Nicol, Fergus / de Dear, Richard (2013): The wicked problem of designing for comfort in a rapidly changing world. In: Architectural Science Review, v. 56, n. 1 (Februar 2013).


  19. Roaf, Sue / Nicol, Fergus / Humphreys, Michael / Tuohy, Paul / Boerstra, Atze (2010): Twentieth century standards for thermal comfort: promoting high energy buildings. In: Architectural Science Review, v. 53, n. 1 (Februar 2010).


  20. Tuohy, Paul / Roaf, Sue / Nicol, Fergus / Humphreys, Mike / Boerstra, Atze (2010): Twenty first century standards for thermal comfort: fostering low carbon building design and operation. In: Architectural Science Review, v. 53, n. 1 (Februar 2010).


  21. Brotas, Luisa / Nicol, Fergus (2017): Estimating overheating in European dwellings. In: Architectural Science Review, v. 60, n. 3 (März 2017).


  22. Roaf, Sue / Nicol, Fergus (2017): Running buildings on natural energy: design thinking for a different future. In: Architectural Science Review, v. 60, n. 3 (März 2017).


  23. Roaf, Sue / Nicol, Fergus / Rijal, Hom (2014): Designing for comfort at high temperatures. In: Architectural Science Review, v. 58, n. 1 (November 2014).


  24. Rijal, Hom / Humphreys, Michael / Nicol, Fergus (2015): Adaptive Thermal Comfort in Japanese Houses during the Summer Season: Behavioral Adaptation and the Effect of Humidity. In: Buildings, v. 5, n. 3 (Juni 2015).


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