Al-Mashgari, Hafedh / Liu, Xuemei / Ngyuen, Tuan / Ngo, Tuan (2024): Performance, methodology and opportunities in FRP strengthening techniques for timber structures: A state-of-the-art review. In: Journal of Building Engineering, v. 98 (December 2024).
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Karunarathna, Sachinthani / Linforth, Steven / Kashani, Alireza / Liu, Xuemei / Ngo, Tuan (2024): Numerical investigation on the behaviour of concrete barriers subjected to vehicle impacts using modified K&C material model. In: Engineering Structures, v. 308 (June 2024).
Lama, Lalita / Gernay, Thomas / Thai, Huu-Tai / Ngo, Tuan / Uy, Brian (2024): Nonlinear analysis and design of high-strength concrete filled steel tubular columns under nonuniform fires. In: Journal of Constructional Steel Research, v. 217 (June 2024).
Wang, Youtian / Khan, Mahbub / Li, Dongxu / Uy, Brian / Thai, Huu‐Tai / Ngo, Tuan (2023): A review on long‐term behaviour of steel‐concrete composite structures. In: ce/papers, v. 6, n. 3-4 (September 2023).
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Bohara, Rajendra Prasad / Linforth, Steven / Thai, Huu-Tai / Nguyen, Tuan / Ghazlan, Abdallah / Ngo, Tuan (2023): Multi-objective bulk scale optimisation of an auxetic structure to enhance protection performance. In: Engineering Structures, v. 280 (April 2023).
Rao, Aravinda S. / Radanović, Marko / Liu, Yuguang / Hu, Songbo / Fang, Yihai / Khoshelham, Kourosh / Palaniswami, Marimuthu / Ngo, Tuan (2022): Real-time monitoring of construction sites: Sensors, methods, and applications. In: Automation in Construction, v. 136 (April 2022).
Bohara, Rajendra Prasad / Linforth, Steven / Ghazlan, Abdallah / Nguyen, Tuan / Remennikov, Alex / Ngo, Tuan (2022): Performance of an auxetic honeycomb-core sandwich panel under close-in and far-field detonations of high explosive. In: Composite Structures, v. 280 (January 2022).
Nguyen, Tan-Trac / Thai, Huu-Tai / Ngo, Tuan (2021): Optimised mix design and elastic modulus prediction of ultra-high strength concrete. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 302 (October 2021).
Thai, Huu-Tai / Ho, Quang Vu / Li, Wenqian / Ngo, Tuan (2023): Progressive collapse and robustness of modular high-rise buildings. In: Structure and Infrastructure Engineering, v. 19, n. 3 (October 2023).
Tran, Hau / Thai, Huu‐Tai / Ngo, Tuan / Uy, Brian / Li, Dongxu / Mo, Jun (2021): Nonlinear inelastic simulation of high‐rise buildings with innovative composite coupling shear walls and CFST columns. In: The Structural Design of Tall and Special Buildings, v. 30, n. 13 (September 2021).
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Thai, Huu-Tai / Thai, Son / Ngo, Tuan / Uy, Brian / Kang, Won-Hee / Hicks, Stephen J. (2021): Reliability considerations of modern design codes for CFST columns. In: Journal of Constructional Steel Research, v. 177 (February 2021).
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Thai, Huu-Tai / Nguyen, Trung-Kien / Vo, Thuc P. / Ngo, Tuan (2017): A new simple shear deformation plate theory. In: Composite Structures, v. 171 (July 2017).
Jayalath, Amitha / Aye, Lu / Ngo, Tuan / Mendis, Priyan (2020): Multi-scale analysis on thermal properties of cement-based materials containing micro-encapsulated phase change materials. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 254 (September 2020).
Ding, Chao / Ngo, Tuan / Ghazlan, Abdallah / Lumantarna, Raymond / Mendis, Priyan (2015): Numerical simulation of structural responses to a far-field explosion. In: Australian Journal of Structural Engineering, v. 16, n. 4 (October 2015).
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Ngo, Tuan / Mohotti, Damith / Remennikov, Alex / Uy, Brian (2015): Numerical simulations of response of tubular steel beams to close-range explosions. In: Journal of Constructional Steel Research, v. 105 (February 2015).
Jayalath, Amitha / San Nicolas, Rackel / Sofi, Massoud / Shanks, Robert / Ngo, Tuan / Aye, Lu / Mendis, Priyan (2016): Properties of cementitious mortar and concrete containing micro-encapsulated phase change materials. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 120 (September 2016).
Nguyen, Kate TQ / Ngo, Tuan / Mendis, Priyan / Heath, David (2018): Performance of high-strength concrete walls exposed to fire. In: Advances in Structural Engineering, v. 21, n. 8 (January 2018).
Ngo, Tuan / Lumantarna, Raymond / Whittaker, Andrew / Mendis, Priyan (2015): Quantification of the Blast-Loading Parameters of Large-Scale Explosions. In: Journal of Structural Engineering (ASCE), v. 141, n. 10 (October 2015).
Ngo, Tuan / Mendis, Priyan / Whittaker, Andrew (2013): Rate Dependent Stress-Strain Relationship Model for Normal, High and Ultra-High Strength Concrete. In: International Journal of Protective Structures, v. 4, n. 3 (September 2013).