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Yasser Mohamed ORCID

The following bibliography contains all publications indexed in this database that are linked with this name as either author, editor or any other kind of contributor.

  1. Wen, He / AbouRizk, Simaan / Mohamed, Yasser (2025): Gap Analysis of Digitalization Levels in Construction and Manufacturing: A Comparative Study of Construction 4.0 and Industry 4.0. In: Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, v. 151, n. 3 (March 2025).


  2. Taghaddos, Maedeh / Mousaei, Ali / Taghaddos, Hosein / Hermann, Ulrich / Mohamed, Yasser / AbouRizk, Simaan (2024): Optimized variable resource allocation framework for scheduling of fast-track industrial construction projects. In: Automation in Construction, v. 158 (February 2024).


  3. Fagiar, Muaz / Mohamed, Yasser / AbouRizk, Simaan (2023): Simulation-Assisted Project Data Integration for Development and Analysis of As-Built Schedules. In: Buildings, v. 13, n. 4 (24 March 2023).


  4. Alawi, Mubarak K. Al / Mohamed, Yasser (2021): A Review of Validation Methods in Construction Simulations Studies. In: International Journal of Structural and Civil Engineering Research, v. 10, n. 1 ( 2021).


  5. Mohsen, Osama / Petre, Cristian / Mohamed, Yasser (2023): Machine-Learning Approach to Predict Total Fabrication Duration of Industrial Pipe Spools. In: Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, v. 149, n. 2 (February 2023).


  6. Taghaddos, Maedeh / Taghaddos, Hosein / Hermann, Ulrich / Mohamed, Yasser / AbouRizk, Simaan (2021): Hybrid multi-mode simulation and optimization for subarea scheduling in heavy industrial construction. In: Automation in Construction, v. 125 (May 2021).


  7. Mohamed, Yasser / Borrego, Davila / Francisco, Luis / Al‐Hussein, Mohamed / AbouRizk, Simaan / Hermann, Ulrich (2007): Simulation‐based scheduling of module assembly yards: case study. In: Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, v. 14, n. 3 (May 2007).


  8. Ebrahimy, Yasser / AbouRizk, Simaan M. / Fernando, Siri / Mohamed, Yasser (2011): Simulation modeling and sensitivity analysis of a tunneling construction project's supply chain. In: Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, v. 18, n. 5 (September 2011).


  9. Liu, Yang / Mohamed, Yasser (2012): Modelling industrial construction operations using a multi‐agent resource allocation framework. In: Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, v. 19, n. 4 (June 2012).


  10. Martinez, Pablo / Mohamed, Emad / Mohsen, Osama / Mohamed, Yasser (2020): Comparative Study of Data Mining Models for Prediction of Bridge Future Conditions. In: Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities (ASCE), v. 34, n. 1 (February 2020).


  11. Shahin, Adham / AbouRizk, Simaan M. / Mohamed, Yasser (2013): A Weather Generator for Use in Construction Simulation Models. In: International Journal of Architecture Engineering and Construction, v. 2, n. 2 (June 2013).


  12. Hammad, Ahmed / AbouRizk, Simaan / Mohamed, Yasser (2014): Application of KDD Techniques to Extract Useful Knowledge from Labor Resources Data in Industrial Construction Projects. In: Journal of Management in Engineering (ASCE), v. 30, n. 6 (November 2014).


  13. Song, Lingguang / Mohamed, Yasser / AbouRizk, Simaan M. (2009): Early Contractor Involvement in Design and Its Impact on Construction Schedule Performance. In: Journal of Management in Engineering (ASCE), v. 25, n. 1 (January 2009).


  14. Taghaddos, Hosein / Hermann, Ulrich / AbouRizk, Simaan / Mohamed, Yasser (2014): Simulation-Based Multiagent Approach for Scheduling Modular Construction. In: Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, v. 28, n. 2 (March 2014).


  15. Hu, Di / Mohamed, Yasser (2014): Simulation-Model-Structuring Methodology for Industrial Construction Fabrication Shops. In: Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, v. 140, n. 5 (May 2014).


  16. ElNimr, Amr / Fagiar, Muaz / Mohamed, Yasser (2016): Two-way integration of 3D visualization and discrete event simulation for modeling mobile crane movement under dynamically changing site layout. In: Automation in Construction, v. 68 (August 2016).


  17. Hu, Di / Mohamed, Yasser (2014): A dynamic programming solution to automate fabrication sequencing of industrial construction components. In: Automation in Construction, v. 40 (April 2014).


  18. Al-alawi, Mubarak / Bouferguene, Ahmed / Mohamed, Yasser (2017): Non-parametric weather generator for modelling construction operations: Comparison with the parametric approach and evaluation of construction-based impacts. In: Automation in Construction, v. 75 (March 2017).


  19. Wang, Ping / Mohamed, Yasser / AbouRizk, Simaan M. / Rawa, A. R. Tony (2009): Flow Production of Pipe Spool Fabrication: Simulation to Support Implementation of Lean Technique. In: Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, v. 135, n. 10 (October 2009).


  20. Agbulos, Albert / Mohamed, Yasser / Al-Hussein, Mohamed / AbouRizk, Simaan / Roesch, John (2006): Application of Lean Concepts and Simulation Analysis to Improve Efficiency of Drainage Operations Maintenance Crews. In: Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, v. 132, n. 3 (March 2006).


  21. Chung, Tae Hwan / Mohamed, Yasser / AbouRizk, Simaan (2006): Bayesian Updating Application into Simulation in the North Edmonton Sanitary Trunk Tunnel Project. In: Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, v. 132, n. 8 (August 2006).


  22. Hu, Di / Mohamed, Yasser / Taghaddos, Hosein / Hermann, Ulrich (Rick) (2017): A simulation-based method for effective workface planning of industrial construction projects. In: Construction Management and Economics, v. 36, n. 6 (October 2017).


  23. Bayzid, Sharif Mohammad / Mohamed, Yasser / Al-Hussein, Maria (2016): Prediction of maintenance cost for road construction equipment: a case study. In: Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering / Revue canadienne de génie civil, v. 43, n. 5 (May 2016).


  24. Saba, Farzaneh / Mohamed, Yasser (2013): An ontology-driven framework for enhancing reusability of distributed simulation modeling of industrial construction processes. In: Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering / Revue canadienne de génie civil, v. 40, n. 9 (September 2013).


  25. Tian, Xueying / Mohamed, Yasser / AbouRizk, Simaan (2010): Simulation-based aggregate planning of batch plant operations. In: Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering / Revue canadienne de génie civil, v. 37, n. 10 (October 2010).


  26. Ali, Mostafa / Mohamed, Yasser (2018): A Framework for Visualizing Heterogeneous Construction Data Using Semantic Web Standards. In: Advances in Civil Engineering, v. 2018 ( 2018).


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