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Ronaldo A. Medeiros-Junior ORCID

The following bibliography contains all publications indexed in this database that are linked with this name as either author, editor or any other kind of contributor.

  1. Beltrame, Neusa Aparecida Munhak / Trisotto, Amanda Venancio / Souto, Rafaela / da Silva, João Claudio Nascimento / Pereira, Bárbara Cicuto Gonçalves / Medeiros-Junior, Ronaldo A. (2024): Effect of sulfate attack on geopolymer mortars at early ages of exposure. In: Materials and Structures, v. 57, n. 10 (7 November 2024).


  2. Borçato, Allan G. / Thiesen, Marisa / Medeiros-Junior, Ronaldo A. (2024): Incorporation of clay brick wastes and calcium hydroxide into geopolymers: Compressive strength, microstructure, and efflorescence. In: Journal of Building Engineering, v. 88 (July 2024).


  3. Borçato, Allan G. / Thiesen, Marisa / Medeiros-Junior, Ronaldo A. (2023): Mechanical properties of metakaolin-based geopolymers modified with different contents of quarry dust waste. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 400 (October 2023).


  4. Beltrame, Neusa Ap. Munhak / Dias, Roberto Luiz / Witzke, Franky Bruno / Medeiros-Junior, Ronaldo A. (2023): Effect of carbonation curing on the physical, mechanical, and microstructural properties of metakaolin-based geopolymer concrete. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 406 (November 2023).


  5. Brekailo, Fernanda / Pereira, Eduardo / Medeiros-Junior, Ronaldo A. (2023): Calculation of Sulfate Diffusion Coefficients of Concrete Based on Migration Test. In: Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering (ASCE), v. 35, n. 11 (November 2023).


  6. Brekailo, Fernanda / Pereira, Eduardo / Medeiros-Junior, Ronaldo A. (2023): Migration test as an accelerated methodology in concrete for evaluating sulfate attack by Na2SO4 and MgSO4. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 388 (July 2023).


  7. Pinto, Sabrina R. / Angulski da Luz, Caroline / Munhoz, Guilherme S. / Medeiros-Junior, Ronaldo A. (2020): Durability of phosphogypsum-based supersulfated cement mortar against external attack by sodium and magnesium sulfate. In: Cement and Concrete Research, v. 136 (October 2020).


  8. Trentin, Priscila O. / Magro, Isabel C. / Souza, Laura R. M. N. / Bonini, Janaína S. / Angulski da Luz, Caroline / Medeiros-Junior, Ronaldo A. / Hooton, Robert D. (2023): Influence of Content and Source of Calcium Sulfate on Supersulfated Cement Exposed to Sodium and Magnesium Sulfate Attack at Later Ages. In: Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering (ASCE), v. 35, n. 1 (January 2023).


  9. Oliveira, Rafael L. N. / Bragança, Mariana O. G. P. / Medeiros-Junior, Ronaldo A. (2022): Effect of coarse aggregate size on corrosion of reinforced concrete exposed to carbonation and chloride ingress by electrochemical measurements. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 361 (December 2022).


  10. Hino Junior, José Roberto / Balestra, Carlos E. T. / Medeiros-Junior, Ronaldo A. (2021): Comparison of test methods to determine resistance to chloride penetration in concrete: Sensitivity to the effect of fly ash. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 277 (March 2021).


  11. Melara, Everton K. / Trentin, Priscila O. / Pereira, Eduardo / Medeiros-Junior, Ronaldo A. (2022): Contribution to the service-life modeling of concrete exposed to sulfate attack by the inclusion of electrical resistivity data. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 322 (March 2022).


  12. Nenevê, Bruno L. / Costa, Marienne R. M. M. / Medeiros-Junior, Ronaldo A. (2022): Alternative small-scale accelerated test to measure the effect of thermal shock on rendering mortar properties. In: Journal of Building Engineering, v. 46 (April 2022).


  13. Dobrovolski, Mateus E. G. / Munhoz, Guilherme S. / Pereira, Eduardo / Medeiros-Junior, Ronaldo A. (2021): Effect of crystalline admixture and polypropylene microfiber on the internal sulfate attack in Portland cement composites due to pyrite oxidation. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 308 (November 2021).


  14. Dobrovolski, Mateus E. G. / Trisotto, Amanda V. / Santos, Nathalia C. S. / Trentin, Priscila O. / Medeiros-Junior, Ronaldo A. (2021): Effect of Crystalline Admixtures in the Mass Transport of Concrete with Polypropylene Microfibers. In: International Journal of Civil Engineering, v. 19, n. 12 (June 2021).


  15. de Bem, Diogo Henrique / Ongaratto Trentin, Priscila / Medeiros-Junior, Ronaldo A. (2021): Effect of hydrated lime on efflorescence formation. In: International Journal of Building Pathology and Adaptation, v. 40, n. 5 (April 2021).


  16. Amos Esteves, Ian César / Ongaratto Trentin, Priscila / Medeiros-Junior, Ronaldo A. (2021): Effect of Fly Ash Contents in Autogenous Self-Healing of Conventional Concretes Analyzed Using Different Test Tools. In: Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering (ASCE), v. 33, n. 7 (July 2021).


  17. Wons, Mayara / Camara, Letícia / Esteves, Ian / Trentin, Priscila O. / Medeiros-Junior, Ronaldo A. (2020): Evaluation of concrete self-healing with different fly ash contents and cracking ages by means of ultrasonic pulse velocity and compressive strength tests. In: Journal of Building Pathology and Rehabilitation, v. 6, n. 1 (16 November 2020).


  18. Lencioni, Julia W. / Medeiros-Junior, Ronaldo A. (2020): Analysis of Different Parameters in the Electrical Resistivity Test of Concrete. In: International Journal of Civil Engineering, v. 19, n. 1 (August 2020).


  19. Pinto, Sabrina R. / Gradin, Felipe L. / Torres, Felipe N. / Campos, Gabriel H. / Trentin, Priscila O. / Medeiros-Junior, Ronaldo A. (2019): Behavior of mortars exposed to attack by sodium and magnesium sulfate. In: Journal of Building Pathology and Rehabilitation, v. 5, n. 1 (18 November 2019).


  20. Mazer, Wellington / Lima, Maryangela G. / Medeiros-Junior, Ronaldo A. / Wickzick, Luciene F. S. (2021): Chloride ingress into concrete under different conditions of temperature and marine zones. In: Magazine of Concrete Research, v. 73, n. 22 (November 2021).


  21. de Bem, Diogo Henrique / Lima, Daniel Petzold Barbosa / Medeiros-Junior, Ronaldo A. (2018): Effect of chemical admixtures on concrete’s electrical resistivity. In: International Journal of Building Pathology and Adaptation, v. 36, n. 2 (May 2018).


  22. Medeiros-Junior, Ronaldo A. / Lima, Maryangela G. / Yazigi, Ricardo / Medeiros, Marcelo H. F. (2015): Carbonation depth in 57 years old concrete structures. In: Steel and Composite Structures, v. 19, n. 4 (October 2015).


  23. Mendes, Adriane Zella / Medeiros-Junior, Ronaldo A. / da Silva Munhoz, Guilherme (2018): Effect of the corrosion degree and the carbonation depth on the electrical resistivity, ultrasonic pulse velocity and corrosion potential. In: Journal of Building Pathology and Rehabilitation, v. 4, n. 1 (December 2018).


  24. Farias de Medeiros, Marcelo Henrique / Dranka, Francielle / Souza, Diego Jesus / Medeiros-Junior, Ronaldo A. (2019): Improvement of repair mortars using multi-walled carbon nanotubes. In: Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Construction Materials, v. 172, n. 2 (April 2019).


  25. Balestra, Carlos E. T. / Lima, Maryangela G. / Silva, Anderson R. / Medeiros-Junior, Ronaldo A. (2016): Corrosion Degree Effect on Nominal and Effective Strengths of Naturally Corroded Reinforcement. In: Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering (ASCE), v. 28, n. 10 (October 2016).


  26. Medeiros-Junior, Ronaldo A. / Lima, Maryangela G. (2016): Electrical resistivity of unsaturated concrete using different types of cement. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 107 (March 2016).


  27. Mazer, Wellington / Lima, Maryangela G. / Medeiros-Junior, Ronaldo A. (2018): Fuzzy logic for estimating chloride diffusion in concrete. In: Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Structures and Buildings, v. 171, n. 7 (July 2018).


  28. Pinto, Sabrina Requião / Macedo, Ana Luisa Andrioli / Medeiros-Junior, Ronaldo A. (2017): Effect of preconditioning temperature on the water absorption of concrete. In: Journal of Building Pathology and Rehabilitation, v. 3, n. 1 (December 2017).


  29. Medeiros-Junior, Ronaldo A. / Hino Júnior, José R. / Monteiro, Ana Júlia A. E. / Bill, Gabriela H. / Kawanami, Ian Y. (2017): Accelerated carbonation effect on electrical resistivity and sorptivity of concrete. In: Journal of Building Pathology and Rehabilitation, v. 3, n. 1 (December 2017).


  30. Mendes, Sandro E. S. / Oliveira, Rafael L. N. / Cremonez, Claiton / Pereira, Eduardo / Pereira, Elias / Medeiros-Junior, Ronaldo A. (2018): Electrical resistivity as a durability parameter for concrete design: Experimental data versus estimation by mathematical model. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 192 (December 2018).


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