- Development of a rotary piezoelectric platform with smooth displacement output based on tripod cooperation force adjustment mechanism. In: Smart Materials and Structures, v. 34, n. 2 (31 December 2024). (2024):
- Development of a 4-DOF inchworm piezoelectric platform and its experiments on nano scale variable depth scratching. In: Smart Materials and Structures, v. 33, n. 11 (18 October 2024). (2024):
- A review on droplet-based 3D printing with piezoelectric micro-jet device. In: Smart Materials and Structures, v. 33, n. 7 (7 June 2024). (2024):
- A low speed piezoelectric actuator with high displacement smoothness and its multi-objective optimized method. In: Smart Materials and Structures, v. 32, n. 10 (30 August 2023). (2023):
- Implementation of cross-scale plane micro-scratching process driven by hybrid piezoelectric actuation. In: Smart Materials and Structures, v. 32, n. 9 (21 August 2023). (2023):
- A Large-step Stick-slip Rotary Piezoelectric Actuator with High Velocity under Low Frequency and Small Backward Motion. In: Smart Materials and Structures, v. 32, n. 5 (March 2023). (2023):
- An inertial bipedal piezoelectric actuator with integration of triple actuation modes. In: Smart Materials and Structures, v. 31, n. 11 (September 2022). (2022):
- A 3-DOF inertial impact locomotion robot constructed on four piezoelectric bimorph actuators. In: Smart Materials and Structures, v. 31, n. 9 (7 July 2022). (2022):
- Development and experiment evaluation of a compact inchworm piezoelectric actuator using three-jaw type clamping mechanism. In: Smart Materials and Structures, v. 31, n. 4 (February 2022). (2022):
- On-demand direct printing of tin microdots by a piezoelectric microjet: design, simulation, and experimental evaluation. In: Smart Materials and Structures, v. 31, n. 4 (February 2022). (2022):
- Study on improving the resolution of an H-shaped piezoelectric ultrasonic actuator by stick-slip principle. In: Smart Materials and Structures, v. 31, n. 1 (23 November 2021). (2021):
- Development of a two-DOF piezoelectric posture alignment mechanism with low coupling based on a cross-orthogonal-axis structure. In: Smart Materials and Structures, v. 30, n. 8 (June 2021). (2021):
- A Piezoelectric-actuated Robot Operating at Running and Swinging Hybrid Modes. In: Smart Materials and Structures, v. 28, n. 11 (3 October 2019). (2019):
- A general soft robot module driven by twisted and coiled actuators. In: Smart Materials and Structures, v. 28, n. 3 (March 2019). (2019):
- Design and Fabrication of a High-speed Linear Piezoelectric Actuator with Nanometer Resolution Using a Cantilever Transducer. In: Smart Materials and Structures, v. 28, n. 5 (May 2019). (2019):
- A four-foot walking-type stepping piezoelectric actuator: driving principle, simulation and experimental evaluation. In: Smart Materials and Structures, v. 27, n. 11 (November 2018). (2018):