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Liu, Ran / Song, Li / Cao, Jiwei / Xia, Zhihua / Yu, Zhiwu (2023): Early warping deformation of high-speed railway CRTS III track slabs. In: Engineering Structures, v. 294 (November 2023).
Liu, Hubing / Song, Li / Liu, Ran / Yu, Zhiwu (2022): Temperature field and thermal effect analysis of CRTS III ballastless track structure under the outdoor natural environment. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 358 (December 2022).
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Gao, Yan / Fan, Rui / Li, HaiShan / Liu, Ran / Lin, XinXing / Guo, HaiBao / Gao, YuTing (2016): Thermal performance improvement of a horizontal ground-coupled heat exchanger by rainwater harvest. In: Energy and Buildings, v. 110 (January 2016).
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Pu, Liang / Liu, Ran / Huang, Hai / Zhang, Shengqi / Qi, Zhaogang / Xu, Weidong / Zhou, Jing (2020): Experimental study of cyclic frosting and defrosting on microchannel heat exchangers with different coatings. In: Energy and Buildings, v. 226 (November 2020).
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