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Khalid, Nur Hafizah A. / Hussin, Mohd W. / Mirza, Jahangir / Ariffin, Nur Farhayu / Ismail, Mohamed A. / Lee, Han-Seung / Mohamed, Azman / Jaya, Ramadhansyah Putra (2016): Palm oil fuel ash as potential green micro-filler in polymer concrete. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 102 (January 2016).
Andalib, Ramin / Abd Majid, Muhd Zaimi / Hussin, Mohd Warid / Ponraj, Mohanadoss / Keyvanfar, Ali / Mirza, Jahangir / Lee, Han-Seung (2016): Optimum concentration of Bacillus megaterium for strengthening structural concrete. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 118 (August 2016).
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