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  • International Database and Gallery of Structures


Stefan Kolling

The following bibliography contains all publications indexed in this database that are linked with this name as either author, editor or any other kind of contributor.

  1. Efferz, Lena / Dix, Steffen / Schuler, Christian / Kolling, Stefan (2025): Optical anisotropy effects in laminated tempered glass. In: Glass Structures & Engineering, v. 10, n. 1 (9 January 2025).


  2. Dix, Steffen / Efferz, Lena / Hiss, Stefan / Schuler, Christian / Kolling, Stefan (2022): Spannungsoptische Untersuchungen an polymeren Zwischenschichten in Verbundgläsern. In: ce/papers, v. 5, n. 1 (February 2022).


  3. Brokmann, Christopher / Kolling, Stefan / Schneider, Jens (2021): Subcritical Crack Growth Parameters for Glass under Different Environmental Conditions. In: ce/papers, v. 4, n. 6 (December 2021).


  4. Brokmann, Christopher / Kolling, Stefan / Schneider, Jens (2021): Subkritisches Risswachstum in Glas in Abhängigkeit der Umgebungsbedingungen. In: ce/papers, v. 4, n. 5 (November 2021).


  5. Berlinger, Marcel / Kolling, Stefan / Schneider, Jens (2021): A generalized Anderson–Darling test for the goodness-of-fit evaluation of the fracture strain distribution of acrylic glass. In: Glass Structures & Engineering, v. 6, n. 2 (May 2021).


  6. Brokmann, Christopher / Kolling, Stefan / Schneider, Jens (2021): Subcritical crack growth parameters in glass as a function of environmental conditions. In: Glass Structures & Engineering, v. 6, n. 1 (March 2021).


  7. Brokmann, Christopher / Berlinger, Marcel / Schrader, Peer / Kolling, Stefan (2019): Fraktographische Bruchspannungs‐Analyse von Acrylglas. In: ce/papers, v. 3, n. 1 (March 2019).


  8. Rühl, Andreas / Kolling, Stefan / Mende, Volker / Kiesewetter, Bernd (2016): Computational design of a heated PMMA window validated by infrared thermography. In: Glass Structures & Engineering, v. 1, n. 2 (May 2016).


  9. Drass, Michael / Schwind, Gregor / Schneider, Jens / Kolling, Stefan (2018): Adhesive connections in glass structures—part II: material parameter identification on thin structural silicone. In: Glass Structures & Engineering, v. 3, n. 1 (February 2018).


  10. Drass, Michael / Schwind, Gregor / Schneider, Jens / Kolling, Stefan (2018): Adhesive connections in glass structures—part I: experiments and analytics on thin structural silicone. In: Glass Structures & Engineering, v. 3, n. 1 (February 2018).


  11. Drass, Michael / Kolupaev, Vladimir A. / Schneider, Jens / Kolling, Stefan (2018): On cavitation in transparent structural silicone adhesive: TSSA. In: Glass Structures & Engineering, v. 3, n. 2 (April 2018).


  12. Alter, Christian / Manthei, Gerd / Kolling, Stefan / Schneider, Jens (2015): Lokalisierung des initialen Versagens bei Verbundsicherheitsglas unter stoßartiger Belastung. In: Weller, Bernhard (2015): Glasbau 2015. Wilhelm Ernst & Sohn Verlag für Architektur und technische Wissenschaften GmbH & Co. KG, Berlin (Germany), ISBN 978-3-433-03101-8.


  13. Kolling, Stefan / Alter, Christian / Schneider, Jens / Kuntsche, Johannes / Gebbeken, Norbert / Larcher, Martin (2012): Deformations- und Bruchverhalten von Verbundsicherheitsglas unter dynamischer Beanspruchung. In: Stahlbau, v. 81, n. 3 (March 2012).


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