Satou, Takahiro / Doi, Yasuyoshi / Suzuki, Masato / Himura, Masao / Okitsu, Jiro / Miyake, Takaaki / Shiozawa, Naoto / Kawasaki, Atsushi / Takemon, Genji / Machita, Yoshiyuki / Kayaba, Yuichi (2023): Environmental Monitoring Efforts after the Great East Japan Earthquake in Fukanuma Area, Sendai Coast.. In: Ecology and Civil Engineering, v. 25, n. 2 (March 2023).
Kayaba, Yuichi (2023): 砂浜生態系における自然的・人為的攪乱の影響と環境配慮―東日本大震災における仙台湾南部海岸の事例を中心として―:特集を企画するに当たって. In: Ecology and Civil Engineering, v. 25, n. 2 (March 2023).
Kayaba, Yuichi / Yagi, Eri / Doi, Yasuyoshi (2023): 東日本大震災後の仙台湾南部海岸堤防復旧における環境保全対策. In: Ecology and Civil Engineering, v. 25, n. 2 (March 2023).
Mori, Terutaka / Kawaguchi, Kiwamu / Hayasaka, Hiroyuki / Himura, Masao / Nakajima, Jun / Nakamura, Keigo / Kayaba, Yuichi (2022): Locally disappeared fish species in Japanese rivers in the past 40 years: comparison between National Survey on the Natural Environment and National Census on River Environments.. In: Ecology and Civil Engineering, v. 24, n. 2 (23 March 2022).
Fukuoka, Shoji / Watanabe, Akihide / Kayaba, Yuichi / Soda, Hideki (1993): Flow And Bed Profiles In Curved Channels With Discontinuously Installed Vanes. In: 土木学会論文集 (Doboku Gakkai rombunshū), v. 1993, n. 479 (November 1993).
Takewaka, Satoshi / Ikeda, Syunsuke / Hirayama, Takahiro / Kayaba, Yuichi / Zaitsu, Tomoyuki (1993): Meteorological Environment In Surrounding Region of Urban Rivers. 都市内河川内外の夏期の熱環境および気象観測. In: 土木学会論文集 (Doboku Gakkai rombunshū), v. 1993, n. 479 (November 1993).
Tawa, Kota / Nagayama, Shigeya / Kayaba, Yuichi / Nakamura, Keigo (2019): Comparison of frog communities between floodplain water bodies and paddy fields.. In: Ecology and Civil Engineering, v. 22, n. 1 (July 2019).
Nagayama, Shigeya / Kato, Yasumitsu / Miyawaki, Shigenari / Harada, Morihiro / Kayaba, Yuichi (2019): A generalized method for assessing inter-levee floodplain pond environments focused on unionid mussels.. In: Ecology and Civil Engineering, v. 21, n. 2 (January 2019).
Miyawaki, Shigenari / Nagayama, Shigeya / Kato, Yasumitsu / Ito, Hanae / Kayaba, Yuichi (2018): Estimating longitudinal profiles of ordinary water level using gauging station data - a case study: Shonai River, Japan.. In: Ecology and Civil Engineering, v. 21, n. 1 (July 2018).
Nagayama, Shigeya / Tsukahara, Koji / Kayaba, Yuichi (2018): Examination of sites and timing for temporary relocation of lotic unionid mussels toward land readjustment.. In: Ecology and Civil Engineering, v. 20, n. 2 (February 2018).
Nagayama, Shigeya / Harada, Morihiro / Sagawa, Shiro / Kayaba, Yuichi (2017): 揖斐川の高水敷掘削地におけるイシガイ類生息環境―掘削高さおよび経過年数との関係― (Mussel habitat in excavated flood-channels in the Ibi River with reference to initial ground heights and elapsed years). In: Ecology and Civil Engineering, v. 19, n. 2 ( 2017).
Tsuruta, Mai / Nakamura, Shinichiro / Kayaba, Yuichi (2017): 子どもが描いた川の将来像は川づくり計画に有効か? (Analyzing the pictures of future images of rivers painted by children on hearing for the river management planning). In: Ecology and Civil Engineering, v. 20, n. 1 ( 2017).
Watanabe, Yumi / Yoshitomi, Tomoyasu / Kayaba, Yuichi (2017): 河川生態の映像化と留意点:映像展示の開発プロセスを例に (Visualization of River Ecology: Some points in the development of movie exhibitions). In: Ecology and Civil Engineering, v. 20, n. 1 ( 2017).
Sanada, Seiji / Ikeya, Koki / Yoshitomi, Tomoyasu / Kayaba, Yuichi (2017): 河川の階層構造に基づいたフィールド体験型河川生態学習プログラムの設計:水族館・学習施設・研究機関の連携による取り組みから (Design of Field Experiences Education Program Based on Hierarchical Framework for Stream Habitat Classification: The cooperation with aquarium, education facility and research organization). In: Ecology and Civil Engineering, v. 20, n. 1 ( 2017).
Katagiri, Koji / Ikeda, Shigeru / Oishi, Tetsuya / Kayaba, Yuichi (2016): 揖斐川の氾濫原水域における沈水植物群落の分布と成立条件 (The distribution and the habitat of submerged plant communities in river floodplain backwaters of the Ibi River). In: Ecology and Civil Engineering, v. 19, n. 1 ( 2016).
Nagayama, Shigeya / Harada, Morihiro / Kayaba, Yuichi (2015): 高水敷掘削による氾濫原の再生は可能か? (Can floodplains be recovered by flood-channel excavation ?). ― An example from Japanese lowland rivers ―. In: Ecology and Civil Engineering, v. 17, n. 2 ( 2015).
Kato, Yasumitsu / Onoda, Yukio / Mori, Terutaka / Kayaba, Yuichi (2015): 河川での低濃度濁水の発生に対するアユの反応事例:野外における河川区間スケールでの実験 (A case study of reactions of ayu (Plecoglossus altivelis) to low concentration of suspended solids in river channels: a field experiment at a river reach scale). In: Ecology and Civil Engineering, v. 18, n. 2 ( 2015).
Harada, Morihiro / Kayaba, Yuichi (2015): 河川中上流域の河床環境に関する研究動向と課題 (Perspective on study of riverbed environment in the upper and middle reaches). In: Ecology and Civil Engineering, v. 18, n. 1 ( 2015).
Nagayama, Shigeya / Harada, Morihiro / Kayaba, Yuichi (2015): 河川地形と生息場の分類 ~河川管理への活用に向けて~ (Classification of morphology and habitat in streams and rivers: application to river management). In: Ecology and Civil Engineering, v. 18, n. 1 ( 2015).
Nagayama, Shigeya / Harada, Morihiro / Kayaba, Yuichi / Negishi, Junjiro N. (2014): イシガイ類を指標生物としたセグメント 2 における氾濫原環境の評価手法の開発:木曽川を事例として (Development of an assessing method for floodplain environment using freshwater mussel as an ecological indicator in Japanese lowland rivers: a case study of the Kiso River). In: Ecology and Civil Engineering, v. 17, n. 1 ( 2014).
Nagayama, Shigeya / Mori, Terutaka / Koizumi, Noriyuki / Kayaba, Yuichi (2012): 水田・水路における魚類研究の重要性と現状から見た課題 (Importance and perspective of study on fish in paddy fields and canals). In: Ecology and Civil Engineering, v. 15, n. 2 ( 2012).
Nagayama, Shigeya / Negishi, Junjiro / Kume, Manabu / Sagawa, Shiro / Tsukahara, Koji / Miwa, Yoshiaki / Kayaba, Yuichi (2012): 農業用の水路における季節と生活史段階に応じた魚類の生息場利用 (Habitat use by fish according to seasons and life stages in small perennial agricultural canals). In: Ecology and Civil Engineering, v. 15, n. 2 ( 2012).
Kayaba, Yuichi / Nozaki, Kentaro / Kawaguchi, Yôichi / Minagawa, Tomoko (2009): 標津川の再蛇行化が一次生産過程に及ぼす影響の評価 (Evaluation of a re-meandering project in the Shibetsu River from an aspect of primary production process.). In: Ecology and Civil Engineering, v. 12, n. 1 ( 2009).
Negishi, Junjiro N. / Kayaba, Yuichi / Tsukahara, Koji / Miwa, Yoshiaki (2008): 指標・危急生物としてのイシガイ目二枚貝:生息環境の劣化プロセスと再生へのアプローチ. In: Ecology and Civil Engineering, v. 11, n. 2 ( 2008).
Sagawa, Shiro / Kayaba, Yuichi / Minagawa, Tomoko / Kawaguchi, Yoichi (2006): 実験河川におけるエレクトリックショッカーによる6魚種の捕獲効率. In: Ecology and Civil Engineering, v. 8, n. 2 ( 2006).
Sagawa, Shiro / Kayaba, Yuichi / Arai, Hiroaki / Amano, Kunihiko (2005): コイ科稚仔魚の生息場所選択―人工増水と生息場所との関係―. In: Ecology and Civil Engineering, v. 7, n. 2 ( 2005).
Kawaguchi, Yoichi / Nakamura, Futoshi / Kayaba, Yuichi (2005): 標津川再生事業の概要と再蛇行化実験の評価 標津川下流域で行った試験的な川の再蛇行化に伴う魚類と生息環境の変化. In: Ecology and Civil Engineering, v. 7, n. 2 ( 2005).
Kayaba, Yuichi (2003): 河川環境の保全と復元 自然共生研究センターの取り組み―河川におけるハビタットの保全と復元. In: Ecology and Civil Engineering, v. 5, n. 2 ( 2003).
Denda, Masatoshi / Kayaba, Yuichi / Shimatani, Yukihiro (1999): 千曲川における後背水域の冠水頻度推定方法. In: Ecology and Civil Engineering, v. 2, n. 1 ( 1999).