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The following bibliography contains all publications indexed in this database that are linked with this name as either author, editor or any other kind of contributor.

  1. Tijani, Bashir / Jin, Xiao-Hua / Robert, Osei-Kyei: Impact of AEC project organizational design on the mental health of project management practitioners (PMPs) in Australia. In: International Journal of Building Pathology and Adaptation.


  2. Tijani, Bashir / Jin, Xiao-Hua / Osei-Kyei, Robert (2022): PESTEL analysis of mental health management of project management practitioners (PMPs) in architecture, engineering and construction (AEC) project organization. In: Smart and Sustainable Built Environment, v. 12, n. 5 (October 2022).


  3. Bulut, Mehmet Börühan / Wilkinson, Sara / Khan, Aila / Jin, Xiao-Hua / Lee, Chyi Lin (2021): Thermal performance of retrofitted secondary glazed windows in residential buildings – two cases from Australia. In: Smart and Sustainable Built Environment, v. 11, n. 4 (August 2021).


  4. Jin, Xiao-Hua / Senaratne, Sepani / Fu, Ye / Tijani, Bashir (2023): Tackling stress of project management practitioners in the Australian construction industry: the causes, effects and alleviation. In: Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, v. 31, n. 10 (April 2023).


  5. Jin, Xiao-Hua / Zhang, Guomin / Zuo, Jian / Lindsay, Stephen (2013): Sustainable High-rise Design Trends – Dubai’s Strategy. In: Civil Engineering and Architecture, v. 1, n. 2 (August 2013).


  6. Senaratne, Sepani / Jin, Xiao-Hua / Balasuriya, Kushan (2017): Exploring the role of networks in disseminating construction project knowledge through case studies. In: Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, v. 24, n. 6 (November 2017).


  7. Bulut, Mehmet / Wilkinson, Sara / Khan, Aila / Jin, Xiao-Hua / Lee, Chyi Lin (2020): Perceived benefits of retrofitted residential secondary glazing: an exploratory Australian study. In: International Journal of Building Pathology and Adaptation, v. 39, n. 5 (December 2020).


  8. Ke, Yongjian / Jefferies, Marcus / Shrestha, Asheem / Jin, Xiao-Hua (2014): Public Private Partnership In China: Where To From Here. In: Organization, Technology and Management in Construction, v. 6, n. 3 ( 2014).


  9. Jin, Xiao-Hua / Ling, Florence Yean Yng (2006): Key relationship-based determinants of project performance in China. In: Building and Environment, v. 41, n. 7 (July 2006).


  10. Jin, Xiao-Hua / Zhang, Guomin (2011): Framework for Improving the Constructability of Raised Floor Systems in Australian Office Buildings. In: The International Journal of the Constructed Environment, v. 1, n. 1 ( 2011).


  11. Jiang, Heng / Jin, Xiao-Hua / Liu, Chunlu (2013): The effects of the late 2000s global financial crisis on Australia's construction demand. In: Australasian Journal of Construction Economics and Building, v. 13, n. 3 (September 2013).


  12. Chen, Gang / Zhang, Guomin / Xie, Yi-Min / Jin, Xiao-Hua (2012): Overview of alliancing research and practice in the construction industry. In: Architectural Engineering and Design Management, v. 8, n. 2 (May 2012).


  13. Jin, Xiao-Hua (2010): Neurofuzzy Decision Support System for Efficient Risk Allocation in Public-Private Partnership Infrastructure Projects. In: Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, v. 24, n. 6 (November 2010).


  14. Jin, Xiao-Hua (2011): Model for Efficient Risk Allocation in Privately Financed Public Infrastructure Projects Using Neuro-Fuzzy Techniques. In: Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, v. 137, n. 11 (November 2011).


  15. Jin, Xiao-Hua / Doloi, Hemanta (2009): Modeling Risk Allocation in Privately Financed Infrastructure Projects Using Fuzzy Logic. In: Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, v. 24, n. 7 (October 2009).


  16. Jin, Xiao-Hua (2010): Determinants of Efficient Risk Allocation in Privately Financed Public Infrastructure Projects in Australia. In: Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, v. 136, n. 2 (February 2010).


  17. Jin, Xiao-Hua / Ling, Florence Yean Yng (2005): Model for Fostering Trust and Building Relationships in China's Construction Industry. In: Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, v. 131, n. 11 (November 2005).


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