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Pedro Castro-Borges ORCID

The following bibliography contains all publications indexed in this database that are linked with this name as either author, editor or any other kind of contributor.

  1. Moreno-Herrera, Joel / Vega-Juarez, Néstor / Varela-Rivera, Jorge / Fernandez-Baqueiro, Luis / Castro-Borges, Pedro (2025): The Effect of Steel Reinforcement Diameter on the Behavior of Concrete Beams with Corrosion. In: Buildings, v. 15, n. 2 (15 January 2025).


  2. Castro-Borges, Pedro / Isgor, Burkan / Ogunsanya, Ibrahim / Panesar, Daman / Suraneni, Prannoy / Weiss, Jason (2024): Concrete Infrastructure: Recent Advancements and Needs with a Focus on North America. In: RILEM Technical Letters, v. 9 (September 2024).


  3. Castro-Borges, Pedro / Torres-Acosta, Andrés Antonio / Balancán-Zapata, Mercedes Guadalupe (2021): Long term correlation between concrete cracking and corrosion in natural marine micro-environments. In: Materials and Structures, v. 54, n. 6 (20 November 2021).


  4. Torres-Acosta, Andrés Antonio / Martínez-Madrid, Miguel / Castro-Borges, Pedro / Aschermann, Scott / Commander, Brett / Grimson, Jesse (2018): Evaluación de capacidad de carga de la estructura de un muelle corroído en el Golfo de México. In: Revista ALCONPAT, v. 8, n. 3 (31 August 2018).


  5. Castro-Borges, Pedro / Helene, Paulo (2018): Un enfoque conceptual holístico para la vida de servicio del concreto: división en diferentes etapas de tiempo. In: Revista ALCONPAT, v. 8, n. 3 (31 August 2018).


  6. Guevara, Bianca / Juarez, Cesar / Fajardo, Gerardo / Castro-Borges, Pedro (2009): Comportamiento a cortante en vigas de concreto reforzado con deterioro por corrosión en los estribos. In: Revista Ingeniería de Construcción, v. 24, n. 3 (December 2009).


  7. Torres-Acosta, Andrés A. / Martínez-Madrid, Miguel / Castro-Borges, Pedro (2018): Progreso's viaduct in Yucatan, Mexico: First durable concrete structure in the world made with stainless steel. In: Hormigón y acero, v. 69 ( 2018).


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