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  • International Database and Gallery of Structures


The following bibliography contains all publications indexed in this database that are linked with this name as either author, editor or any other kind of contributor.

  1. Flores Ferreira, Katherina / Rampini, Marco Carlo / Belletti, Beatrice / Calcavecchia, Biagio / Camata, Guido / D'Angela, Danilo / Di Salvatore, Chiara / Di Stefano, Nico / Faccin, Enrico / Ferretti, Daniele / Granata, Michele Fabio / Iavarone, Fabiola / La Mendola, Lidia / Magliulo, Gennaro / Martinelli, Paolo / Menichini, Giovanni / Messina, Davide / Minelli, Fausto / Orlando, Maurizio / Plizzari, Giovanni / Ravasini, Simone / Recupero, Antonino / Spacone, Enrico / Spinella, Nino / Tuozzo, Federico / Zani, Giulio / di Prisco, Marco: Reinforced concrete dapped‐end beams for existing bridges: Reliability of finite element models. In: Structural Concrete.


  2. Kesavan, Prabakaran / Petracca, Massimo / Camata, Guido / Sethumadhavan, Krishnachandran / Menon, Arun (2024): Discontinuum Micromodelling of Unstrengthened and FRCM-Strengthened Masonry Cross-Vaults Subjected to Seismic Excitation. In: International Journal of Architectural Heritage, v. 18, n. 12 (October 2024).


  3. Di Trapani, Fabio / Di Benedetto, Marilisa / Petracca, Massimo / Camata, Guido (2024): Local infill-frame interaction under seismic loads: Investigation through refined micro-modeling. In: Engineering Structures, v. 315 (September 2024).


  4. Cantagallo, Cristina / Terrenzi, Marco / Camata, Guido / Spacone, Enrico (2024): Historical Evolution of the Impact of Seismic Incident Angles on the Safety Assessment of Various Building Construction Typologies. In: Buildings, v. 14, n. 6 (19 June 2024).


  5. Garcia-Ramonda, Larisa / Pelà, Luca / Roca, Pere / Camata, Guido (2023): Experimental and numerical insights on the in-plane behaviour of unreinforced and TRM/SRG retrofitted brick masonry walls by diagonal compression and shear-compression testing. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 402 (October 2023).


  6. Mistretta, Fausto / Puppio, Mario Lucio / Camata, Guido / Nanni, Antonio (2023): Analytical and experimental shear evaluation of GFRP-reinforced concrete beams. In: Materials and Structures, v. 56, n. 10 (3 November 2023).


  7. Cantagallo, Cristina / Terrenzi, Marco / Spacone, Enrico / Camata, Guido (2023): Effects of Multi-Directional Seismic Input on Non-Linear Static Analysis of Existing Reinforced Concrete Structures. In: Buildings, v. 13, n. 7 (28 June 2023).


  8. Cantagallo, Cristina / Terrenzi, Marco / Barbagallo, Francesca / Di Domenico, Mariano / Ricci, Paolo / Camata, Guido / Spacone, Enrico / Marino, Edoardo Michele / Verderame, Gerardo Mario (2023): Effects of the extended N2 method on non-linear static procedures of reinforced concrete frame structures. In: Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, v. 173 (October 2023).


  9. Barbagallo, Francesca / Di Domenico, Mariano / Terrenzi, Marco / Cantagallo, Cristina / Marino, Edoardo Michele / Ricci, Paolo / Verderame, Gerardo Mario / Camata, Guido / Spacone, Enrico (2023): Influence of the modelling approach on the seismic assessment of RC structures by nonlinear static analyses. In: Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, v. 172 (September 2023).


  10. Cucuzza, Raffaele / Domaneschi, Marco / Camata, Guido / Marano, Giuseppe Carlo / Formisano, Antonio / Brigante, Domenico (2023): FRCM retrofitting techniques for masonry walls: a literature review and some laboratory tests. In: Procedia Structural Integrity, v. 44 ( 2023).


  11. Di Trapani, Fabio / Bogatkina, Valentina / Petracca, Massimo / Camata, Guido (2023): Evaluation of the additional shear demand due to frame-infill interaction: a new capacity model. In: Procedia Structural Integrity, v. 44 ( 2023).


  12. Cross, Theodore / De Luca, Flavia / De Risi, Raffaele / Camata, Guido / Petracca, Massimo (2023): Micro-modelling of stone masonry template buildings as a strategy for seismic risk assessment in developing countries. In: Engineering Structures, v. 274 (January 2023).


  13. Di Domenico, Mariano / De Risi, Maria Teresa / Manfredi, Vincenzo / Terrenzi, Marco / Camata, Guido / Mollaioli, Fabrizio / Noto, Fabrizio / Ricci, Paolo / Franchin, Paolo / Masi, Angelo / Spacone, Enrico / Verderame, Gerardo M. (2022): Modelling and Seismic Response Analysis of Italian Pre-Code and Low-Code Reinforced Concrete Buildings. Part II: Infilled Frames. In: Journal of Earthquake Engineering, v. 27, n. 6 (May 2022).


  14. De Risi, Maria Teresa / Di Domenico, Mariano / Manfredi, Vincenzo / Terrenzi, Marco / Camata, Guido / Mollaioli, Fabrizio / Noto, Fabrizio / Ricci, Paolo / Franchin, Paolo / Masi, Angelo / Spacone, Enrico / Verderame, Gerardo M. (2022): Modelling and Seismic Response Analysis of Italian pre-code and low-code Reinforced Concrete Buildings. Part I: Bare Frames. In: Journal of Earthquake Engineering, v. 27, n. 6 (May 2022).


  15. Garcia-Ramonda, Larisa / Pelà, Luca / Roca, Pere / Camata, Guido (2022): Experimental cyclic behaviour of shear masonry walls reinforced with single and double layered Steel Reinforced Grout. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 320 (February 2022).


  16. Garcia-Ramonda, Larisa / Pelà, Luca / Roca, Pere / Camata, Guido (2022): Cyclic shear-compression testing of brick masonry walls repaired and retrofitted with basalt textile reinforced mortar. In: Composite Structures, v. 283 (March 2022).


  17. Cattari, Serena / Calderoni, Bruno / Caliò, Ivo / Camata, Guido / de Miranda, Stefano / Magenes, Guido / Milani, Gabriele / Saetta, Anna (2021): Nonlinear modeling of the seismic response of masonry structures: critical review and open issues towards engineering practice. In: Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, v. 20, n. 4 (November 2021).


  18. Yacila, Jhair / Salsavilca, Jhoselyn / Tarque, Nicola / Camata, Guido (2019): Experimental assessment of confined masonry walls retrofitted with SRG under lateral cyclic loads. In: Engineering Structures, v. 199 (November 2019).


  19. Terrenzi, Marco / Spacone, Enrico / Camata, Guido (2020): Comparison Between Phenomenological and Fiber-Section Non-linear Models. In: Frontiers in Built Environment, v. 6 (January 2020).


  20. Garcia-Ramonda, Larisa / Pelà, Luca / Roca, Pere / Camata, Guido (2020): In-plane shear behaviour by diagonal compression testing of brick masonry walls strengthened with basalt and steel textile reinforced mortars. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 240 (April 2020).


  21. Salsavilca, Jhoselyn / Yacila, Jhair / Tarque, Nicola / Camata, Guido (2020): Experimental and analytical bond behaviour of masonry strengthened with steel reinforced grout (SRG). In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 238 (March 2020).


  22. Cantagallo, Cristina / Camata, Guido / Spacone, Enrico (2015): Influence of ground motion selection methods on seismic directionality effects. In: Earthquakes and Structures, v. 8, n. 1 (January 2015).


  23. Ricci, Paolo / Manfredi, Vincenzo / Noto, Fabrizio / Terrenzi, Marco / Petrone, Crescenzo / Celano, Francesca / De Risi, Maria Teresa / Camata, Guido / Franchin, Paolo / Magliulo, Gennaro / Masi, Angelo / Mollaioli, Fabrizio / Spacone, Enrico / Verderame, Gerardo M. (2018): Modeling and Seismic Response Analysis of Italian Code-Conforming Reinforced Concrete Buildings. In: Journal of Earthquake Engineering, v. 22 ( 2018).


  24. Peruch, Matteo / Spacone, Enrico / Camata, Guido (2019): Nonlinear analysis of masonry structures using fiber‐section line elements. In: Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, v. 48, n. 12 (10 October 2019).


  25. Camata, Guido / Spacone, Enrico / Al-Mahaidi, Riadh / Saouma, Victor (2004): Analysis of Test Specimens for Cohesive Near-Bond Failure of Fiber-Reinforced Polymer-Plated Concrete. In: Journal of Composites for Construction, v. 8, n. 6 (December 2004).


  26. Thomsen, Henrik / Spacone, Enrico / Limkatanyu, Suchart / Camata, Guido (2004): Failure Mode Analyses of Reinforced Concrete Beams Strengthened in Flexure with Externally Bonded Fiber-Reinforced Polymers. In: Journal of Composites for Construction, v. 8, n. 2 (April 2004).


  27. Camata, Guido / Shing, Benson (2005): Evaluation of GFRP Honeycomb Beams for the O'Fallon Park Bridge. In: Journal of Composites for Construction, v. 9, n. 6 (December 2005).


  28. Petracca, Massimo / Pelà, Luca / Rossi, Riccardo / Zaghi, Stefano / Camata, Guido / Spacone, Enrico (2017): Micro-scale continuous and discrete numerical models for nonlinear analysis of masonry shear walls. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 149 (September 2017).


  29. Raka, Eva / Spacone, Enrico / Sepe, Vincenzo / Camata, Guido (2015): Advanced frame element for seismic analysis of masonry structures: model formulation and validation. In: Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, v. 44, n. 14 (November 2015).


  30. Siano, Rossella / Sepe, Vincenzo / Camata, Guido / Spacone, Enrico / Roca, Pere / Pelà, Luca (2017): Analysis of the performance in the linear field of Equivalent-Frame Models for regular and irregular masonry walls. In: Engineering Structures, v. 145 (August 2017).


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