Umuhoza, Esperance / An, Sung-Hoon (2025): Predicting the Effectiveness of Resilient Safety in the Building Construction Sector of Rwanda Using the ANN Model. In: Buildings, v. 15, n. 2 (15 January 2025).
An, Sung-Hoon / Lee, Ung-Kyun (2017): 건축프로젝트 현장 조직 커뮤니케이션이 성과에 미치는 영향 (Influence of Site Organization's Communication on Performance of Building Construction Projects). In: Journal of the Korea Institute of Building Construction (한국건축시공학회지), v. 17, n. 4 (August 2017).
An, Sung-Hoon / Gwon, Je-Joong (2016): 건설업 이미지 변화 비교 분석 및 개선 전략 (Trend Study on Image of Construction Industry and Its Improving Strategy). In: Journal of the Korea Institute of Building Construction (한국건축시공학회지), v. 16, n. 5 (October 2016).
Kim, Seungho / Kim, Sangyong / Jean, Jihoon / An, Sung-Hoon (2016): DSM을 활용한 타워크레인 양중계획 최적화에 관한 연구 (Optimization of T/C Lifting Plan using Dependency Structure Matrix (DSM)). In: Journal of the Korea Institute of Building Construction (한국건축시공학회지), v. 16, n. 2 (April 2016).
An, Sung-Hoon (2016): 건축공사 현장 조직 커뮤니케이션에 영향을 미치는 요인 (Factors of Influencing the Communication of Building Construction Field Organizations). In: Journal of the Korea Institute of Building Construction (한국건축시공학회지), v. 16, n. 2 (April 2016).
An, Sung-Hoon / Bitamba, Bauma Frigeant (2015): 건축현장 조직문화가 프로젝트 성과에 미치는 영향 (Influence of Organizational Culture on Performance of Building Construction Project). In: Journal of the Korea Institute of Building Construction (한국건축시공학회지), v. 15, n. 5 (October 2015).
An, Sung-Hoon / Mbale, Michael Bulunda (2015): 건축공사 현장관리자 혁신행동에 영향을 미치는 개인적 요인 (Individual Factors of Influencing the Innovative Behavior of Building Construction Field Managers). In: Journal of the Korea Institute of Building Construction (한국건축시공학회지), v. 15, n. 2 (April 2015).
Zhang, Zhen / An, Sung-Hoon (2014): 건설근로자 안전의식 향상방안 (Improving the Safety Awareness of Construction Workers). In: Journal of the Korea Institute of Building Construction (한국건축시공학회지), v. 14, n. 5 (October 2014).
An, Sung-Hoon (2014): 안전교육과 건설근로자 휴먼에러 상관관계 분석 (Correlation Analysis between Safety Education and Human Error by Construction Workers). In: Journal of the Korea Institute of Building Construction (한국건축시공학회지), v. 14, n. 4 (August 2014).
Shin, Jung-Hyun / Lee, Woo-Hwan / Choi, Young-Wha / An, Sung-Hoon (2014): 건축공사 현장관리자 작업능력에 영향을 미치는 요인 (Factors Influencing the Work Ability of Building Construction Field Managers). In: Journal of the Korea Institute of Building Construction (한국건축시공학회지), v. 14, n. 2 (April 2014).
Park, U-Yeol / Hong, Seong-Wook / Yang, Jin-Kook / Ko, Suck-Hwa / An, Sung-Hoon (2014): 양방향 나사산 체결방식을 활용한 완전밀착형 커플러의 시공성 분석 (Experimental Study on Field Applicability of Tightened Coupler with Two-Way Threading). In: Journal of the Korea Institute of Building Construction (한국건축시공학회지), v. 14, n. 1 (February 2014).
An, Sung-Hoon / Zhang, Zhen / Lee, Ung-Kyun (2013): Correlation Analysis between Job Stress and Job Satisfaction of Building Construction Field Managers. In: Journal of the Korea Institute of Building Construction (한국건축시공학회지), v. 13, n. 5 (October 2013).
Lee, Ung-Kyun / Yoo, Wi Sung / An, Sung-Hoon / Doh, Nakju / Cho, Hunhee / Jun, Changhyun / Kim, Taehoon / Lee, Young Hoon (2013): Performance assessment model for robot-based automated construction systems. In: Journal of the Korea Institute of Building Construction (한국건축시공학회지), v. 13, n. 4 (August 2013).
Park, U-Yeol / An, Sung-Hoon (2012): Optimization Algorithms for Site Facility Layout Problems Using Self-Organizing Maps. In: Journal of the Korea Institute of Building Construction (한국건축시공학회지), v. 12, n. 6 (December 2012).
Zhang, Zhen / An, Sung-Hoon (2012): A Comparative Analysis of the Safety Awareness of Korean and Chinese Construction Workers. In: Journal of the Korea Institute of Building Construction (한국건축시공학회지), v. 12, n. 4 (August 2012).
An, Sung-Hoon / Ryu, Ho-Won / Park, Mi-Song (2011): 건축공사 주요 재해 위험요소 도출 (Selecting Key Accident Risk Factors in Building Construction Projects). In: Journal of the Korea Institute of Building Construction (한국건축시공학회지), v. 11, n. 1 (February 2011).
An, Sung-Hoon / Kim, Dae-Won / Park, U-Yeol (2010): 건축 프로젝트 개산견적 신뢰도 관리 프로세스에 관한 연구 (A Study on the process for Managing the Reliability of Conceptual cost estimates in Building Projects). In: Journal of the Korea Institute of Building Construction (한국건축시공학회지), v. 10, n. 2 (April 2010).
Park, U-Yeol / An, Sung-Hoon (2008): Particle Swarm Optimization을 이용한 공기-비용 절충관계 최적화 모델에 관한 연구 (A Study on Optimization Model of Time-Cost Trade-off Analysisusing Particle Swarm Optimization). In: Journal of the Korea Institute of Building Construction (한국건축시공학회지), v. 8, n. 6 (December 2008).
An, Sung-Hoon / Park, U-Yeol (2008): 건축 프로젝트 개산견적 신뢰도에 영향을 미치는 주요 인자에 관한 연구 (A Study on the Key Factors Influencing the Reliability of Conceptual cost estimates in Building Construction Projects). In: Journal of the Korea Institute of Building Construction (한국건축시공학회지), v. 8, n. 4 (August 2008).
An, Sung-Hoon / Kim, Joon-Ho / Kang, Kyung-In (2006): 공동주택 공사의 작업간 간섭 감소 방안에 관한 연구 (A Study on the Measures for Work Interference Reduction in Apartment Construction). In: Journal of the Korea Institute of Building Construction (한국건축시공학회지), v. 6, n. 1 (March 2006).
Kim, Dae-Won / An, Sung-Hoon / Cho, Hunhee / Jeong, Jae-Weon / Lee, Bo-Hyeong / Doh, Nakju Lett / Kang, Kyung-In (2009): Development of conceptual model of construction factory for automated construction. In: Building and Environment, v. 44, n. 8 (August 2009).
An, Sung-Hoon / Kim, Gwang-Hee / Kang, Kyung-In (2007): A case-based reasoning cost estimating model using experience by analytic hierarchy process. In: Building and Environment, v. 42, n. 7 (July 2007).
Kim, Gwang-Hee / An, Sung-Hoon / Cho, Hun-Hee / Seo, Deok-Seok / Kang, Kyung-In (2005): Improved productivity using a modified table formwork system for high-rise building in Korea. In: Building and Environment, v. 40, n. 11 (November 2005).
Kim, Gwang-Hee / Yoon, Jie-Eon / An, Sung-Hoon / Cho, Hun-Hee / Kang, Kyung-In (2004): Neural network model incorporating a genetic algorithm in estimating construction costs. In: Building and Environment, v. 39, n. 11 (November 2004).
Kim, Gwang-Hee / An, Sung-Hoon / Kang, Kyung-In (2004): Comparison of construction cost estimating models based on regression analysis, neural networks, and case-based reasoning. In: Building and Environment, v. 39, n. 10 (October 2004).
An, Sung-Hoon / Park, U-Yeol / Kang, Kyung-In / Cho, Moon-young / Cho, Hun-Hee (2007): Application of Support Vector Machines in Assessing Conceptual Cost Estimates. In: Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, v. 21, n. 4 (July 2007).
Suk, Sung Joon / Chi, Seokho / Mulva, Stephen P. / Caldas, Carlos H. / An, Sung-Hoon (2016): Quantifying combination effects of project management practices on cost performance. In: KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, v. 21, n. 3 (May 2016).
Yun, Seokheon / Cho, Hunhee / Tae, Yongho / Ahn, Bangryul / An, Sung-Hoon / Huh, Youngki (2011): Productivity analysis of steel works for cost estimation of public projects in Korea. In: KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, v. 16, n. 1 (December 2011).
Shin, Yoonseok / An, Sung-Hoon / Cho, Hun-Hee / Kim, Gwang-Hee / Kang, Kyung-In (2008): Application of information technology for mass customization in the housing construction industry in Korea. In: Automation in Construction, v. 17, n. 7 (October 2008).
Zhang, Zhen / Lee, Woo-Hwan / Choi, Young-Wha / An, Sung-Hoon (2013): A Comparative Analysis of Job Stress of Field Managers and Workers in Korean Construction Projects. In: Journal of Building Construction and Planning Research, v. 1, n. 3 ( 2013).