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  • Base de données et galerie internationale d'ouvrages d'art et du génie civil


The Application and Optimization of a New Tunnel Ventilation Method for the Control Room of Electric Submersible Pump Systems on Jack-Up Offshore Platforms


Médium: article de revue
Langue(s): anglais
Publié dans: Buildings, , n. 3, v. 15
Page(s): 325
DOI: 10.3390/buildings15030325

This study focused on the novel ventilation solution used in the control room of an electric submersible pump on a jack-up offshore platform, with the core objective of exploring the advantages of tunnel ventilation over the traditional ceiling-mounted ventilation system. At the beginning of the research, a three-dimensional physical model of the room’s air conditioning and ventilation system was constructed using Rhino 7 software. Subsequently, the computational fluid dynamics software Airpak 3.0 was employed to conduct detailed thermodynamic calculations on the model. Based on this, the study meticulously compared the performance of the two ventilation systems from multiple perspectives: one aspect examined the airflow and temperature distribution through temperature contour maps, velocity vector maps, and airflow streamlines; another focused on the comfort level of personnel, as reflected in the key indicators of the predicted mean vote and predicted percentage dissatisfied. The results demonstrated that tunnel ventilation is highly effective in reducing the indoor temperature and significantly improving personnel comfort. Further optimization analysis revealed that, under specific inlet conditions, namely when the inlet velocity reaches 1.16 m/s and the inlet temperature is 17 °C, the most ideal ventilation effect can be achieved, thereby fully and effectively meeting human thermal comfort requirements. Overall, the findings of this study not only provide a novel solution for the environmental control system design of offshore platforms but also lay a solid scientific foundation for continued exploration in related fields, offering a reliable reference for future research.

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