Rainha Santa Isabel Bridge
Erster Einsatz von elektrisch isolierten Litzendauerankern in Portugal zur Sicherung einer Schrägseilbrücke. Ponte Europa, Coimbra, Portugal. In: DSI Info, n. 13 ( 2005- 2006), pp. 38.
First use of electrically isolated permanent strand anchors in Portugal secure a stay cable bridge. Ponte Europe, Coimbra, Portugal. In: DSI Info, n. 13 ( 2005- 2006), pp. 38.
High-tech response for the Europa Bridge. In: News. The VSL-Intrafor Magazine, v. 13, n. 2 ( 2002), pp. 16.
Santos, L. O. / Min, X. (2007): Load Tests of a Cable-Stayed Bridge in Coimbra, Portugal. In: Structural Engineering International, v. 17, n. 4 (November 2007), pp. 337-341.