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General Information

Status: in use

Project Type

Plan view: Structurae Plus/Pro - Subscribe Now!
Support conditions:
Structure: Rigid frame bridge
Plan view: Structurae Plus/Pro - Subscribe Now!
Function / usage: main bridge:
Taxiway bridge
Eastern bridge:
Road bridge
Western bridge:
Road bridge


Location: , , ,
Part of:
Coordinates: 40° 0' 0.83" N    82° 54' 18.62" W
Coordinates: 40° 0' 0.76" N    82° 54' 13.03" W
Coordinates: 40° 0' 1.13" N    82° 54' 21.15" W
Show coordinates on a map

Technical Information


Eastern bridge
number of spans 1
abutments number 2
main bridge
number of spans 1
abutments number 2
Western bridge
number of spans 1
abutments number 2

Design Loads

main bridge
live load Boeing 747-400


cost of construction United States dollar 10 500 000


deck prestressed concrete
abutments reinforced concrete


The John Glenn Columbus International Airport in Columbus, Ohio, needed a crossover taxiway so that aircraft could travel from the terminal building to the outer runways. The bridge is designed to carry a 747-400 aircraft weighing 894,900 pounds. A post-tensioned cast-in-place concrete structural system with integral abutments were selected. A hydronic deicing system consisting of tubes containing glycol from a pump and heater was embedded into the deck to keep it from icing during Ohio winters. Two additional narrower service bridges were also built following the same architectural language. A system of striking blue linear lights was integrated into the underside of the bridge and inclined abutments. The clear, elegant spans create a gateway into the airport with understated architecture and visual consistency.


Lighting design

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