Chadstone Shopping Centre
Engelsmann, Stephan / Peters, Stefan / Dengler, Christoph / Fischer, Christian (2018): Ein Himmel aus Glas – Die filigrane Freiform-Gitterschale über dem Einkaufszentrum Chadstone in Melbourne. In: Bundesingenieurkammer (2018): Ingenieurbaukunst 2019. Ernst & Sohn, Berlin (Germany), ISBN 9783433032596, pp. 70-77.
Peters, Stefan / Dengler, Christoph / Engelsmann, Stephan / Fischer, Christian (2017): Parametrically designed free form gridshell for Chadstone Shopping Centre, Melbourne. Presented at: Interfaces: Architecture, Engineering, Science, Annual Meeting of the International Association of Shell & Spatial Structures (IASS), Hamburg, 25-27 September 2017.
Chadwick, Aran / Matthews, Chris / Villafane, Maria Eugenia / Williams, Chris J. K. (2017): PLATO – Gridshell Design Method for Chadstone Shopping Mall Roof. Presented at: IABSE Conference: Creativity and Collaboration – Instilling Imagination and Innovation in Structural Design, Bath, United Kingdom, 19-20 April 2017, pp. 159-160.