Barranco del Alamín Footbridge
Tanner, Peter / Bellod, Juan Luis (2008): Design with and Without Architects - Two Footbridges at Guadalajara. Presented at: Footbridge 2008 - Footbridges for Urban Renewal, Third International Conference on Footbridges, 2-4 July 2008, Porto, Portugal, pp. 129-130.
Tanner, Peter / Bellod, Juan Luis / Sanz, David (2008): Entre obra pública y "capricho". Pasarelas peatonales. Presented at: IV Congreso de la Asociación Científico-Tecnica del Hormigón Estructural - Congreso Internacional de Estructuras, Valencia, 24-27.11.2008.
New footbridge completes greening of Spanish ravine. In: Bridge Design & Engineering, v. 15, n. 55 (2nd Quarter 2009), pp. 12.