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Elegance meets function at the new head office of the international staircase manufacturer EeStairs in the Dutch town of Barneveld. The modern industr... [more]
Chicago is currently experiencing a boom in high-rise construction with 43 projects currently underway and more in the works. The tallest of this grou... [more]
La Sagrada Família is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, designed in 1866 by famed architect Antoni Gaudí, commissioned in 1882 and planned to be completed... [more]
ArcelorMittal Construction offers several families of composite floors steel: Cofrastra and Cofraplus. Both are suitable for use in new and existing b... [more]
Considered one of the most important French urban projects currently underway, the Lyon Confluence program is part of the agenda 21 initiative. When f... [more]
Competition is exerting enormous pricing pressure on workshop fitters. So in order to rationalize its production and maintain constant quality, RIDGE ... [more]
It is an embarrassing problem, and it costs money: damages at the corrosion protection of expansion joints, which are already visible before the bridg... [more]
T-headed rebar is common reinforcing steel with a small steel plate attached to one or both ends of the bar. The T-head works as anchoring device as a... [more]
High performance reinforcement couplers with proven and documented quality. Exceed all known requirements for reinforcement couplers. [more]