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Replica of the Langlois bridge near Arles, France, which was painted by Van Gogh more than once

The replica is another bridge of same series, from Fos-sur-Mer, which was set up in 1962, two kilometers south of the original's location. It was completely restored in 1997. The original bridge was popular under the name of its long-time keeper Langlois. Van Gogh misunderstood that name and interpreted it as l'Anglais. (Englishmen's bridge).

Media-ID: 396270
Created in/on: 1 June 2007

G u i d o / flickr / Wikimedia Commons

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This creative work has been published under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic (CC-BY-SA 2.0) license which allows copying, and redistribution as well as adaptation of the original work provided appropriate credit is given and the same license is used as for the original work.

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Last updated on: 02/03/2023

More media of this structure

France (1835)