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238th Street Subway Station (Broadway – Seventh Avenue Line)

View of the platforms and all three tracks from the Van Cortlandt Park-242nd Street-bound platform of the 238th Street Elevated Railway Station on the IRT Broadway – Seventh Avenue Line between the Riverdale and Kingsbridge sections of the West Bronx, New York City. This image includes a standard Helvetica New York City Subway exit sign over the 242nd Street-bound canopy, and is the fifth in a series of additional images of the station, all of which were taken on November 24, 2021. If you zoom in towards the center of the tracks off in the distance, you could even see the 242nd Street station at the end of the line.

Media-ID: 395876
Created in/on: 24 November 2021

DanTD / Wikimedia Commons

Copyright notice / License:

This creative work has been published under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC-BY-SA 4.0) license which allows copying, and redistribution as well as adaptation of the original work provided appropriate credit is given and the same license is used as for the original work (the above link must be included). Any alterations to the original must also be mentioned.

Published on:
Last updated on: 02/03/2023

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