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The far south end of the Manhattan-bound platform of the Bay Ridge Avenue BMT station, under 4th Avenue and Bay Ridge Avenue in Bay Ridge, Brooklyn

This platform is much wider than the Brooklyn-bound platform, as it was intended to be the Manhattan-bound express trackway had the station been expanded to four tracks to facilitate a Staten Island river tunnel. Note the six lonely columns at this end of the station; this was likely where the platform was extended to make it 600+ feet long.

Media-ID: 380551
Created in/on: 19 September 2018

Tdorante10 / Wikimedia Commons

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This creative work has been published under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC-BY-SA 4.0) license which allows copying, and redistribution as well as adaptation of the original work provided appropriate credit is given and the same license is used as for the original work (the above link must be included). Any alterations to the original must also be mentioned.

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Last updated on: 05/05/2022

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