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Update on the 2014 FIFA World Cup stadium, Arena das Dunas

THE Sports News Channel on YouTube: http://bit.ly/SportsNewsTelevision Update on the 2014 FIFA World Cup stadium, Arena das Dunas, which is under construction in Natal, Brazil. Mexico against Cameroon will be their first game played at the Arena das Dunas, the USA will play their first game in the 'arena of the dunes' aswell. However, the Stadium is still being built, however the arena director says the stadium is 95% complete, pointing out that the seats are nearly done, and the roof will be the last part of the stadium to be built. The Arena das Dunas was the last of the World Cup stadia to begin construction, after the sports facility and stadium which previously stood in its place were demolished. Breaking sports news: http://www.youtube.com/sntv Follow sntv on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/sntv sntv: http://www.sntv.com

Media-ID: 369767
Created in/on: 10 December 2013
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Last updated on: 12/01/2022

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Brazil (2014)