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Foundation works for Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao bridge

The special foundation subsidiary BAUER Hong Kong Ltd. is involved in the construction of the world's longest bridge over water, currently under construction in the Pearl Delta. The 50 kilometer link connecting Hong Kong, Macao and Zhuhai forms the southern ring closure of a gigantic infrastructure project. Die Spezialtiefbautochter BAUER Hong Kong Ltd. ist am Bau der weltweit längsten Brücke über Wasser beteiligt, die derzeit im Pearl Delta entsteht. Die 50 Kilometer lange Verbindung zwischen den Städten Hongkong, Macao und Zhuhai bildet den südlichen Ringschluss einer gigantischen Infrastrukturmaßnahme.

Media-ID: 369513
Created in/on: 23 June 2014
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This creative work is copyrighted material and may not be used without explicit approval by the author and/or copyright owner.

Last updated on: 12/01/2022

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