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The Construction of Sydney Harbour Bridge

This DVD was picked up in a flea market at The Rocks and has no indication of when it was originally produced. Apologies if any copyright has been infringed - but it deserves a wider audience! Update/Sept 2018: Paul Robinson (in a comment below) has pointed out that it was produced as a 75th-anniversary project by the Sydney Division of the Institution of Engineers Australia. [Now named Engineers Australia - see www.engineersaustralia.org.au/About-Us/Divisions/Sydney ] Update: April 2019: YouTube appears to have started adding Ads to the start of the video :( I can't see any way of preventing this, so have linked to an 'AdSense' account. *If* any revenue appears, it will be donated to charity.

Media-ID: 369493
Created in/on: 19 November 2011
Copyright notice / License:

This creative work is copyrighted material and may not be used without explicit approval by the author and/or copyright owner.

Last updated on: 12/01/2022

More media of this structure

Australia (1932)