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Work begins on new Purple Heart Memorial Bridge

ORANGE COUNTY-By: Leslie RangelConstruction workers have begun a multi-million dollar project to rebuild the Purple Heart Memorial Bridge on IH-10 over the Neches River. Some drivers worry about short term traffic headaches, but the transportation department says the plan is designed to minimize the pain.The ground shook beneath your feet and sparks flew as construction began. "What you're seeing here is one of the first things that you're ever going to see done on a bridge this type of size." Marc Shepard, of TX-DOT said. TX-DOT says the bridge will be state of the art. "It's more modern looking and the entire design is really going to be something that will fit more of the motif of what Southeast Texas and Beaumont is all about," Shepard said. The project is meant to replace the old bridge which was built in the 50s with an addition built in the 70s. Shepard says, "That's what we're doing, replacing a bridge just like you would replace a house or a car after you get to the point to where you can't maintain what you already have."Motorists are concerned with traffic back ups saying they fear congestion. "That means backed up day and night so I don't think they are really considering the hardship that's it's going to be for the surrounding people in this area." Delois Broooks said. Shepard says during construction the bridge will always have two lanes eastbound and two lanes westbound open. "We can't afford to go from one lane eastbound and one lane west bound for two and a half years, we just can't do that," he said. Shepherd expects lane closures to begin in late fall and says 'none' will take place during peak or rush hours.

Media-ID: 368749
Created in/on: 11 September 2012
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Last updated on: 11/01/2022

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