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Student Saves Skyscraper | Diane Hartley Citicorp Center Interview

Diane Hartley asked a critical question about the design of the Citicorp Center skyscraper in New York City that caused the design engineer to realize that they had made a mistake. The building was already occupied and immediately went under secret repairs to restore the capacity. This is an amazing story that is used in many classes to teach about engineering ethics, design, and the importance of asking questions. In this video we get to hear Diane’s version of the story and how she learned about the repairs and how her work contributed to saving this important structure. This is truly an amazing story and it is awesome that we get to hear it from the person that lived it. I have another video about this story here: Citicorp Center – A skyscraper saved by a student’s question https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bv2YQnT6pSo Diane was inspired by her professor Dr. David Billington. You can learn more from these books by David Billington – Tower and the Bridge (my favorite)– https://amzn.to/2Y2i5RM Innovators (great engineering stories)– https://amzn.to/2Y67bu5 Felix Candela – https://amzn.to/2suNu3q Robert Mailart – https://amzn.to/2Dym7HU These are Amazon affiliate links. My website is: http://www.tylerley.com If you would like to donate to my channel please visit http://www.tylerley.com/giving A huge thanks to Hailey Goodale, my director of awesome, for editing this video.

Media-ID: 341030
Created in/on: 6 December 2019

Tyler Ley / YouTube

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This creative work is copyrighted material and may not be used without explicit approval by the author and/or copyright owner.

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Last updated on: 29/05/2020

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USA (1977)