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bird's-eye view Hovenring Eindhoven (the Netherlands) designed by ipv Delft

This spectacular circular cycle bridge in the Dutch city of Eindhoven has recently been opened to the public. The cable-stayed bridge, designed by ipv Delft, offers cyclists and pedestrians an exciting crossover. With its impressive pylon, 72 metre diameter, thin deck and conspicuous lighting, the cyclist roundabout is a new landmark for the city. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wYbOLOOi-tk

Media-ID: 340966
Created in/on: 1 August 2013

Ipv Delft / YouTube

Medium provided by: ipv Delft, ingenieursbureau voor productvormgeving bv, image used with kind permission.
Copyright notice / License:

This creative work is copyrighted material and may not be used without explicit approval by the author and/or copyright owner.

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Last updated on: 27/05/2020

More media of this structure

Netherlands (2012)