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Lands Viaduct

The Lands (Gaunless) viaduct crossed the River Gaunless north of Cockfield Fell with a span of 640 feet. Following closure it's ironwork was removed in 1964. The standing pillar is actually a pair of columns joined by a connecting wall and stands on the north side of the river. A similar column pair stood on the south bank but was for some reason dynamited. Both pillars and most of the remaining abutments which exist on either side of the river are made from countless thousands of pale 'PEASE' bricks.

Media-ID: 265642
Created in/on: 9 May 2012

Trevor Littlewood / Wikimedia Commons & geograph.org.uk

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This creative work has been published under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic (CC-BY-SA 2.0) license which allows copying, and redistribution as well as adaptation of the original work provided appropriate credit is given and the same license is used as for the original work.

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Last updated on: 06/09/2016

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United Kingdom (1863)