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  • International Database and Gallery of Structures


Media File No. 17773

The auditorium is located on the waterfront in the Los Llanos area of Santa Cruz, the capital of Tenerife. Designed by the architect, Santiago Calatrava, it is situated between the Marine Park and the edge of the port. It connects the city to the ocean and creates a significant urban landmark. This structure is used as a concert hall and is an example of the almost unlimited possibilities provided by concrete construction. The formwork technology required for such a project presents a special challenge for the PERI engineers

Media-ID: 17773
Created in/on: 2003
Author: Helmut Schugg (Peri GmbH)


Medium provided by: PERI, image used with kind permission.
Copyright notice / License:

This creative work is copyrighted material and may not be used without explicit approval by the author and/or copyright owner.

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Last updated on: 05/05/2004

More media of this structure

Spain (2003)