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Vehicle Assembly Building (VAB)

This aerial view shows workers, suspended on platforms from the top of the 525-foot-high VAB, using rollers and brushes to repaint the flag on the Vehicle Assembly Building (VAB). The facelift honors NASA's 40th anniversary on Oct. 1 and is expected to be complete in mid-September. The flag spans an area 209 feet by 110 feet, or about 23, 437 square feet. Each stripe is 9 feet wide and each star is 6 feet in diameter.

Media-ID: 17276
Created in/on: 31 August 1998
NASA / Photo Number: KSC-98PC-1002

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This creative work is part of the public domain and may be used freely. Please list the original source and the name of the author listed here if you do use this work.

Published on:
Last updated on: 18/04/2004

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