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Subcontractor Selection Practices in International Construction Projects


Medium: journal article
Language(s): Latvian
Published in: Journal of Civil Engineering and Management, , n. 1, v. 16
Page(s): 47-56
DOI: 10.3846/jcem.2010.04

This paper presents a study of subcontractor selection practices of Turkish contractors in international projects. The results highlight the current subcontracting practices of main contracting firms that have resulted in a long‐lasting market share abroad. Toward this aim, a detailed questionnaire was administered to 96 construction companies. Turkish and host countries’ subcontractors were shown to be frequently employed in international projects. However, subcontracting firms from other countries were found to not be used. Main contracting companies generally select subcontractors in the periods after the main tender or after the project's start. Although many of them often work with previously known subcontracting companies and do not take into account the lowest bid price as the primary criterion, systematic processes or models are not used to select the best subcontractor. Most importantly, main contractors not only use subcontractors but also carry out activities using their in‐house resources. Hence, this study will not only be a step for further works that can be performed by potential researchers who may find interesting similarities or differences between their countries and Turkey, but also assist contractors who plan to strengthen their positions and to increase work opportunities in the international market. Santrauka Straipsnyje pateikiami Turkijos generaliniu rangovu praktiniai subrangovu parinkimo tyrimai, vykdant tarptautinius pro‐jektus. Akcentuojama dabartine generalinio rangovo imoniu subrangos praktika, kuri sudaro ilgalaike ir plačia rinkos dali. Šiam tikslui buvo išsamiai apklausta iki 96 statybos imoniu. Turkijos ir kitu vadovaujančiaja pozicija užimančiu šaliu subrangovai teige, kad dažnai dirba su tarptautiniais projektais. Tačiau kitu šaliu subrangos imones nedalyvauja toje veik‐loje. Generalines rangovo imones paprastai pasirenka subrangovus pateikus pagrindini pasiūlyma arba projekto pradžioje. Nors daugelis iš ju dažnai dirba su jau anksčiau žinomomis subrangos imonemis ir pasirinkdamos geriausia subrangova neatsižvelgia i pagrindini rodikli‐ žemiausia siūloma kaina, nenaudoja sisteminiu procesu ar modeliu. Svarbiausia, kad generaliniai rangovai naudojasi ne tik subrangovu paslaugomis, bet ir vykdo veikla, naudodamiesi ju turimais vidaus ištekliais. Taigi šis tyrimas bus ne tik potencialiu tyreju žingsnis igyvendinti ir rasti idomiu panašumu bei skirtumu tarp šiu šaliu ir Turkijos, bet ir padeti rangovams stiprinti savo pozicijas bei didinti isidarbinimo galimybes tarptautineje rin‐koje.

Structurae cannot make the full text of this publication available at this time. The full text can be accessed through the publisher via the DOI: 10.3846/jcem.2010.04.
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