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Study of the application of the green construction concept on the integrated college building project of Teuku Umar University


Medium: journal article
Language(s): English
Published in: IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, , n. 1, v. 969
Page(s): 012081
DOI: 10.1088/1755-1315/969/1/012081

Green construction is a sustainable concept in construction projects. The implementation stage plays an important role in the construction sector, because it has an impact on the environment. This study aims to determine the percentage of the application of the most dominant factors and constraints in the application of the green construction concept in project implementation. This research was conducted during the implementation of the Teuku Umar University Integrated Lecture Building project. The implementation phase of this research begins with a survey, to find out the construction implementation process, followed by interviews with workers, consultants, contractors. The results of the interviews were analysed using the Delphi method. The results show that Green construction in the implementation of the Teuku Umar University Integrated Lecture Building project has not been widely applied, with a weight value of only 10.2%. Constraints in the application of green construction based on the results of the questionnaire following the iteration obtained four obstacles, namely the lack of detailed rules regarding green construction, lack of socialization from the government regarding saving energy sources that support construction, lack of knowledge from contractors. about green construction, and the lack of knowledge and experience of contractors, green construction consultant.


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