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Statistical Analysis of Track Geometry Parameters on Tramway Line No. 1 in Budapest

Author(s): ORCID
Medium: journal article
Language(s): English
Published in: The Baltic Journal of Road and Bridge Engineering, , n. 2, v. 17
Page(s): 75-106
DOI: 10.7250/bjrbe.2022-17.561

The article examines the superstructures of the tramway tracks of tramway line No. 1 in Budapest (the capital of Hungary). Since the first appearance of tramways, several technological advancements have been made to serve passenger needs as efficiently as possible. Several types of tramway track superstructure systems can be differentiated, which are implemented differently in each project. Furthermore, these superstructure types have different degradation times (both geometrical and structural), which depend on several factors. Nowadays, visual inspections are no longer considered sufficient in monitoring the tracks’ condition and deterioration, thus it is necessary to consider examinations carried out using the sensors mounted on the vehicles. Adopting appropriate methods, the measured data can be modeled and the life cycle of superstructures and structural elements can be determined as a result of sufficiently long-term studies (i.e., life cycle costs, the whole lifetime, etc.). First, the authors present a review of the relevant international literature, after that they conduct analysis of track geometry parameters of the superstructures related to five sections on the investigated tramway line based on the results of the measurements performed for three consecutive years between 2019 and 2021. The analyses consist primarily in statistical examination of the measured and calculated parameters.

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Structurae cannot make the full text of this publication available at this time. The full text can be accessed through the publisher via the DOI: 10.7250/bjrbe.2022-17.561.
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