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Multi-Objective Optimization Design of PCS Box Girder Bridges with Small and Medium Spans Using Genetic Algorithms

Author(s): ORCID

Medium: journal article
Language(s): English
Published in: Buildings, , n. 3, v. 15
Page(s): 361
DOI: 10.3390/buildings15030361

With the development of algorithms for autonomous decision-making in the field of structural engineering, the design of precast concrete segment (PCS) box girder bridges faces new challenges. This paper proposes using a multi-objective optimization method based on genetic algorithms for the rapid design of PCS box girder bridges with small and medium spans. By considering 20 design parameters such as the physical dimensions of the box girder cross-section, material properties, and prestressing parameters, the paper formulates and quantifies three objective functions: cost, safety, and structural performance. The multi-objective optimization was conducted using four optimization algorithms (NSGA-II, NSGA-III, GDE3, and PSO). An optimization evaluation index (φ[F(x)]) was established and weights were assigned to different optimization objectives. A specific design case based on the general diagram of a 3 × 25 m-long continuous PCS box girder bridge was carried out. The results indicate that genetic algorithms performed exceptionally well on this problem, with the NSGA-III algorithm achieving the best φ[F(x)] value of 0.2789 among all algorithms. A performance analysis was conducted on various optimization models using box plots and sensitivity studies. Scatter plots and surface plots of the Pareto front of the optimized solutions were generated, and corresponding cross-sectional design drawings were created based on the two proposed solutions. Compared with the general graph, the design cases provided by the NSGA-III algorithm model have a change rate of 8.03%, −0.29%, and 75.49% in the three optimization objectives, respectively, indicating a significant improvement effect. The research content of this paper provides a reasonable direction for future studies on intelligent bridge design methodologies.

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