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Mary Ward Centre, London: Risk management of a heavy retrofit and vertical extension of a 1970s concrete-framed building


Medium: journal article
Language(s): English
Published in: The Structural Engineer, , n. 3, v. 103
Page(s): 32-38
DOI: 10.56330/igvh8939

This article outlines how a motivated client and design team collaborated to repurpose a derelict concrete-framed building in Stratford, east London. The case study highlights the importance of early conversations for reuse projects and the need to appoint professionals experienced in retrofit to allow clients to understand the primary risks and enable them to make informed decisions. It demonstrates common risks associated with heavy retrofit projects and how an oversimplistic and conservative approach can be detrimental when assessing the viability of reusing an existing building. The case study also highlights the current commercial challenges that can inhibit the wider uptake of circular economy principles and building reuse. An approach of retention and heavy structural modification is perceived to be a greater risk than a demolition and new-build solution, with numerous areas which could cause uncertainty and, potentially, commercial issues. In this instance, a financial incentive in the form of a grant was offered by the Greater London Authority for projects adopting a retro-first approach. This grant helped the client, Mary Ward, to commit to the significant upfront investment required for the investigations needed to understand the full cost and complexity of retention, and minimise the project risks to acceptable levels.

Structurae cannot make the full text of this publication available at this time. The full text can be accessed through the publisher via the DOI: 10.56330/igvh8939.
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